Agreement in 2 Originals

18.6 Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including all attached Appendices) is the final expression and contains the entire agreement between Buyer and Seller with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior agreements with respect to it. This Agreement may not be modified, amended, supplemented or terminated, and no obligation of this Agreement may be waived except as a written document signed by the offending party or its agent duly written or otherwise authorized in this Agreement. This Agreement may be performed in consideration. Buyers and sellers do not intend to grant any benefit under this Agreement to any person, business or company other than the Buyer and Seller. The agreement is incomplete and each of them has the same legal effect. The agreement enters into force when it is signed (stamped) by both parties. You negotiated an important agreement, you reduced it to a written contract, and now you are ready to sign on the dotted line. Most people think that actually signing a contract is just a formality. However, it is important not to lower their vigilance at this stage. Whether you sign the contract correctly can mean the difference between a smooth business transaction or a chaotic court battle. The original is always the best. In the act, we have what is called the best evidence rule.

Essentially, if you are presenting evidence to a court, it must be the best evidence available. So, if a signed agreement is proof, then the agreement with the original signatures of both parties is the best proof. Everything else is the second best. For example, an agreement with an original signature and a copy of the other signature. Or a photocopy of an agreement containing the two original signatures. It will always be possible to answer questions about the second best evidence. For example, what is the quality of the copy? Is the copy intact? Did anyone change the copy? Could someone have changed it? 6. This Agreement shall enter into force as soon as it has been signed and sealed by both Parties. This Agreement is created in duplicate, with one copy for each party and each copy having the same legal effect.

All matters not listed herein shall be resolved by both parties and incorporated into additional agreements signed by both parties, such agreements having the same legal effect as this Agreement. In South Africa, the parties to an agreement do not have to sign it at the same time and in the same place. The absence of a counterparty clause does not invalidate an agreement that the parties of separate counterparties fulfil. However, a counterpart clause can help prevent a party from claiming that an agreement is not binding because there is not a single copy of it signed by all parties, or because it did not know that it was entering into a binding contract by signing an agreement that was not signed by the other parties. This written agreement comes into effect when the borrower and the lenders who make up the required lenders have signed a counterparty (whether the same or different counterparties). This written agreement may be transmitted by fax or other electronic means. This written agreement is a credit document. From the effective date of this Agreement, all references in the Credit Agreement and other credit documents to the Credit Agreement shall be construed as references to the Credit Agreement as amended herein. SECTION 9. Counterparties. Homologous.

This Amendment No. 14 and all documents, amendments, approvals, consents, information, notices, certificates, applications, declarations, disclosures or approvals relating to this amendment (each, a notice) may take the form of an electronic record and be executed using electronic signatures (including, but not limited to, fax and .pdf) and will be deemed original and have the same legal effect. Validity and applicability as a paper file. Amendment No 14 can be implemented simultaneously in as many counterparties as necessary or appropriate, including its paper and electronic counterparts, but each counterparty is considered to be the original and all these counterparties constitute the same agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, authorization under this paragraph may include, without limitation, buyer`s use of or acceptance of a manually signed paper communication converted to electronic form (e.B. scanned in pdf format), or an electronically converted signed communication into another format for transmission, delivery and/or storage. Electronic signatures and facsimile signatures are valid and binding to the same extent as the original. For the purposes of this Agreement, the electronic record and electronic signature have the meaning assigned to them by 15 USC § 7006, as amended from time to time.

11.12 Considerations. This agreement can be signed in two or more counterparties, each of which is considered original, but all together form a single agreement. 12.3 Considerations. This Convention may be implemented in one or more counterparties, each bearing the signature of one or more Members. Each of these counterparties is considered original, and all these counterparties form a single agreement that binds all parties as if they had all signed a single document. Fax signatures shall be accepted as original signatures for the purposes of this Agreement. 10.1 The Contract is quadruple, each party having two copies. Copies have the same legal effect.

In the event of a dispute, the contract is governed by the court of the place where the contract is performed. Section 7. Counterparties. To facilitate the execution of this change, and for other purposes, this change may be made simultaneously in any number of counterparties. Each counterparty is considered an original, and all these counterparties form a single instrument The executed words, signed, signatures and words of the same meaning in this modification or in any other certificate, agreement or document related to this transaction must be included in addition to the signature pages executed manually. Images of manually executed signatures transmitted by fax or other electronic format (including, but not limited to, pdf, tif or jpg) and other electronic signatures (including, but not limited to, electronic sounds, symbols or processes associated with a contract or other record or logically related to a contract or other record and by a person intending to: sign, execute or accept registration). . .

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