Breaking Texas Lease Agreement

When you enter into a lease, the intention is not to break it. However, it does happen. Sometimes life gets in the way, and sometimes tenants accidentally break a lease because they are not aware of all the rules. However, the fact remains that a lease is a binding agreement that establishes the responsibilities of the tenant – most often he pays X amounts of rent for X months. There are many reasons why Texas tenants choose to break a lease. Some reasons are legally justifiable, others are not. If a tenant moves and has a legal excuse, they don`t face any penalties and don`t have to pay the remaining rent. If a tenant has no legal excuse to terminate the lease prematurely, they may be responsible for the lease until the lease expires or until the landlord finds a new tenant. The tenant may also be subject to fees mentioned in the rental agreement. Failure to pay may affect the tenant`s credit, lead to lawsuits and also appear in the tenant`s rental history. A poor rental history can make it harder to find an apartment in the future.

In Texas, most residential leases last 12 months. If you decide to cancel prematurely without a valid reason, you will still have to postpone your end for the remaining period. For example, move six months before the lease expires and your landlord could recover the remaining six months you owe even if you no longer occupy the site. In such cases, tenants have no legal protection against penalties for premature termination of the lease and must pay the rent due. However, unjustified rent interruptions mean that your tenant can be held financially responsible for the loss of rental income and the price to pay to find another tenant. As mentioned earlier, breaking a lease can be one of two forms: it may or may not be legally justified. If justified by law, it means that your tenant may leave the property prematurely without facing a legal or financial penalty. While these above situations are legal reasons for a tenant to break a lease, there are many other common excuses that are not legally justified. These reasons include: Safety concerns work both ways – Under Texas law, homeowners must ensure that their property meets safety and health standards.

Even if they meet these requirements, but the landlord lies about the safety of the neighborhood, the tenant may be able to terminate the lease prematurely if they relied on this information to decide to rent the property. In some cases, a tenant may be legally allowed to break a lease prematurely. In such cases, all they have to do is send you a notification indicating their intention to leave the country. These cases include: The situations listed above are the only ones where Texas law expressly gives a landlord or tenant the right to terminate the lease prematurely and without consequences. Breaking a lease for other reasons, such as . B obtaining a new job, moving out of the state for non-military reasons, inability to pay rent, etc., is not protected by law. For all situations other than those listed above, please read the ”Early Termination of a Lease” box above and read your rental agreement. Imagine you move on May 31 with nine months of lease remaining.

Your landlord will advertise your vacant rent (as required by law) and find a replacement tenant who will move in on July 1. You only owe the rent for the month of June – you are now free for the other eight months. To terminate the lease in Texas, the tenant would have to do several things. First, they should provide you with proof that they signed the lease before entering active service. Do you need to move to Texas? Whatever your rental situation, Square Cow Movers can help you move quickly. Call us to plan a move or packing service. If there is a written lease, it can indicate how much notice a tenant must give to the landlord before they can leave the apartment. Since Texas law doesn`t say how much to tell a landlord if the lease isn`t a monthly lease, it depends on the terms of the agreement between the landlord and tenant.

In addition to waiting for the scheduled expiration, there are four cases in which you can legally break the agreement prematurely without consequences: As a landlord, you can therefore require the tenant to pay the full rent due under the lease. For example, if the lease is due to end in three months, you can ask the tenant to pay the rent for the full remaining three months of the lease. And this, whether they remain in unity or not. Law on Civil Relief of Military War and National Defence, 50 App. U.S.C.A. § 501 – This is a federal law that stipulates that persons serving in the military or other uniformed federal service may terminate their lease prematurely without any effect if they are called up for service or stationed elsewhere. There are many other reasons to break a lease: buy a house, move for a job, or even go through a breakup. However, none of this is covered by the law.

Instead, you`ll need to review your lease. If the landlord sells, dies or transfers the property, the new landlord is required to comply with your lease and any other agreements you have with the original owner or management. This is another reason to always have important agreements in writing, signed and dated. Before breaking a lease, you should seek professional advice. And before you let your friends drag your furniture around the city in the back of a truck, you should get professional help with the move. .