Countries in Peace Agreement with Israel

”We`ve received very strong signals that they want to be part of what`s going on,” Trump said, referring to the peace accords. Washington — The chairman of the liberal, pro-Israel lobby J Street praises the peace agreements Israel will sign later today with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, but says they ”do not fundamentally address the Palestinian issue.” Netanyahu will soon arrive at the White House and briefly sit down with the US president. The Foreign Ministry reacted cautiously, calling the agreement between Israel and the UAE in a press release ”far-reaching implications and that Pakistan`s approach will be guided by our assessment of respect for palestinian rights and aspirations and how regional peace, security and stability will be maintained.” [84] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the ”circle of peace” was rapidly expanding. Gantz thanked Trump, Netanyahu and Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan for implementing the peace deal, saying it showed an alliance between Middle Eastern nations that wanted stability and mutual cooperation. It also showed Israel`s eternal desire for peace with neighboring countries, while strengthening Israel`s image on the world stage and creating a better future for the region. [35] Netanyahu, interviewed by reporters, admitted to keeping secret the negotiations with the Uae of Blue and White because the United States had asked him to do so. [36] A spokeswoman for the European Commission said the deal was important for Israel and the UAE, in addition to ensuring their stability. Italy, for its part, hoped to bring peace and stability to the Middle East. He also described Israel`s suspension of the annexation of parts of the West Bank as positive and hoped he would resume talks with the Palestinians on a two-state solution. [108] Spain made similar comments, saying it was in favor of the agreement. [109] And yet, normalization agreements are the most significant breakthrough in the Arab-Israeli conflict since the 1990s. Already, Israel`s interactions with the UAE appear to be warmer than its relations with Egypt and Jordan, Arab countries that made peace with Israel decades ago.

Thousands of Israeli tourists have visited Abu Dhabi since the introduction of direct flights at the end of August. And earlier this month, an Emirati king bought a significant stake in an Israeli football team (perversely known for its racist avoidance of Arab and Muslim players) — in the kind of high-profile investment that, until recently, seemed unimaginable. ”President Trump, the people of Israel and the State of Israel will forever be indebted to you for your great efforts on our behalf. I would also like to thank the King of Morocco, King Mohammed VI, for taking this historic decision to bring historic peace between us,” the Israeli prime minister added. The decision of four Arab countries to build relations with Israel in 2020 was not a matter of peace, love or understanding. The United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco and (to a lesser extent) Bahrain were all motivated by narrow interests – including the promise of advanced weapons or diplomatic favors from the United States. Israel`s Channel 12 is hosting a joint broadcast with presenters from Dubai TV and a Bahraini network, which will be broadcast simultaneously in Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in honor of the peace agreements. ”On my way to building peace for peace, peace of force,” the prime minister tweeted before his scheduled arrival at the White House. The head of israel`s Yesha Council settler group, David Elhayani, accused Netanyahu of ”betraying” some of his most loyal supporters and ”deceiving half a million people in the region and hundreds of thousands of voters.” Oded Revivi [he], the mayor of Efrat, a settlement of more than 9,000 people south of Jerusalem, supported Netanyahu, arguing that ”the Israeli agreement to postpone the application of Israeli law in Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria is a fair price,” adding that this is how settlements are perceived. may change.

[40] Beit El Settlement Mayor Shai Alon and Shomron Regional Council President Yossi Dagan also criticized the deal. [37] This decision also comes in the wake of the Trump administration`s rejection of the Iran nuclear deal and Israel`s persistent suspicion that Iran`s nuclear program includes a program to develop nuclear bomb capabilities, which Tehran denies. Currently, Iran and Saudi Arabia support various factions in Syria`s proxy wars in Yemen, with the UAE backing the US-led Saudi-led coalition against forces allied with Iran. [24] [25] In recent years, countries` informal relations have warmed considerably and engaged in extensive informal cooperation based on their joint opposition to Iran`s nuclear program and regional influence. [26] The most detailed of the agreements was that between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. The nations agreed to approve bilateral agreements in 15 areas of mutual interest, including finance, trade, aviation, energy, telecommunications, health, agriculture and water. It is Yossi Klein Halevi on the new agreements as victories for both Israeli power and pragmatism. In Tel Aviv, the word ”peace” is projected on the city hall in Hebrew, English and Arabic. Representatives of two rival Jewish communities in Dubai are in Washington to attend the signing ceremony of the normalization agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel.

”I`m going to do a lot with Iran. I will help them in any way I can. But they should wait until after the elections. Because Sleepy Joe Biden would be a dream for them,” Trump said in the Oval Office. Joe Biden, Trump`s opponent in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, praised the deal because it ”builds on the efforts of several administrations to promote a broader Arab-Israeli opening, including the efforts of the Obama-Biden administration to build on the Arab Peace Initiative.” [42] On the 22nd. In September, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper assured Israeli Defense Secretary Benny Gantz during his visit to Washington that Israel`s military leadership would be protected, a sentiment previously shared by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel and the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi, who after President Donald Trump said he personally had no problem with F-35s for sale in the United Arab Emirates. warned that such a decision would be considered by the United States Congress. [155] [156] Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi, who was not invited to the White House ceremony, welcomes the imminent signing of the peace agreement from Jerusalem.

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner welcomes the upcoming signing of Middle East peace treaties in an interview with Today Show. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah called the deal a betrayal of Islam, Arabism, Jerusalem and the Palestinians. .