Definition of Agreement in Indian Contract Act

If the review is moved in both directions, it is called a bilateral treaty. In this contract, one party provides goods or services and, in return, the other party pays money in the form of consideration. Nullity agreements are expressly mentioned in Chapter 2 of the Act in sections 11, 20, 23 to 30 and 56. Because a contract void under a chapter of the law was not explicitly mentioned. If the terms of the contract stipulate that the promisor must perform the contract without the promisor`s request at the place specified by the promisor and on the exact date specified by him. If the memorandum and articles of association provide otherwise, a deferral clause will be included in the agreement stipulating that the company will issue the necessary resolutions to the board of directors to amend its articles of association. A fixed date, known as a long end date, will be communicated to the other party to meet the conditions precedent, otherwise the contract will be terminated. Figure: X signs a contract with Y and promises to deliver 10 pounds to him. Y promises to pay Rs.

2000 on delivery. This is not a conditional contract because Y`s obligation depends on the event that is part of the contract (delivery of 10 pounds) and not a side event. If the terms of the contract do not specify the place where the goods are to be delivered and the promisor does not have to make a request for performance of a contract, in such a situation it is the duty of the promisor to ask the promisor at a place that is both appropriate for the delivery of the goods and to perform the contract accordingly. Consideration – The contract must include a quid pro quo consideration or something in return. A valid contract must contain consideration that must have value. Then comes the second step, during which it is checked whether the contract was concluded by undue influence. Eg. If a contract contains a ”non-compete obligation” that prevents a person from engaging in a commercial activity, then only the non-compete obligation is void and not the entire contract. People who are jointly and severally liable after a decree are in the same situation as co-promisors. They require a contribution of an amount of their respective shares to comply with the decree. A co-debtor cannot be required to contribute if he proves that the other co-debtor had a sufficient amount of common money to comply with the decree. The holder of a decree may collect his decreed debt from one or more or one of the judicial debtors, and the latter may enforce the contribution of the other judicial debtors who have not been forced to pay.

In the absence of a contract to the contrary, the obligation to contribute is not affected by the compensation of a judicial debtor by the holder of the decree. Ignoring the defendant`s arguments, the board considered that, in the case of such offers, i.e. general offers, no communication was necessary to assume that anyone fulfilling the terms of the contract had communicated its acceptance and that, moreover, the money deposited by the defendant with Alliance Bank clearly showed that it intended to establish a legally binding relationship. The amount was therefore granted to the applicant. An Indian authority in this regard is Lalman Shukla v. Gauri Dutt, where a servant was sent by his master to find his missing nephew. In the meantime, he also announced a reward for anyone who finds his nephew, which in itself is an example of an offer made to the whole world and therefore a general offer. A man named Wallis took the name ”Hallam & Co,” a non-existent company, and sent the plaintiffs by letter ordering goods that fulfilled the order by shipping the goods. Wallis sold the goods to the defendants, who acted in good faith.

The plaintiffs sued the defendants for the value of the goods. The applicants intended to enter into a contract with the author of the letter. If it could be proven that there was a separate entity called Hallam & Co and another entity called Wallis, then the case could have fallen within the decision in the previous case discussed above. He had not fraudulently impersonated a different identity when selling the goods to Edridge. Although the contract is questionable, title was transferred from a fraudster to an innocent person, therefore questionable only for fraud and could not be expropriated after the defendants had acquired the property in good faith. Illustration: Saurbh promises to pay Sarvesh if a particular ship returns within a year. The contract expires if the ship is burned within one year. An agreement is a promise between two entities that establishes mutual obligations under the law.

Section 2(e) of the Indian Contracts Act, 1872 defines an agreement as follows: ”Any promise and set of promises that constitute consideration for each other is an agreement.” The event on which the event on which the performance of the contract depends should not be part of the examination of the contract depends. The occurrence or non-occurrence of the event should constitute security for the contract and should exist independently of each other. Two parties – A valid contract must include at least two parties. one who makes the offer and the other to whom the offer was made and who must accept the proposal for it to be enforceable. A person may not be forced to enter into a contract under the threat of harm, coercion or other hostile influences. When considering whether a withdrawal should be granted on the basis of violence, coercion or undue influence, account shall be taken of the appropriateness of the consideration given to the withdrawing party. Section 61 applies in a situation where neither party makes the donation. In order to break this deadlock, the law has the right to appropriate itself. In this case, the debt is settled in the order of the date on which it arose. If all the debts are at the same time, the debts would be paid proportionately.

According to this article, not only the express agreement, but also the way of dealing between the parties. If the modified instrument itself does not contain the obligations of the parties but is to be used in the performance of the contract, the modification does not necessarily serve to relieve the parties of their underlying obligations. The modification of the contract means that the new contract is concluded and both parties must follow the rules of the new contract. It is important to have the consent of both parties when the contract is amended. Even in the event of a change, the contracting parties do not change. If the parties decide to change or modify the terms of the contract, it is necessary that the modification of the contract be made either by express agreement or by a necessary implication that would cancel the application of the doctrine of acceptance sub silentio. In satya Pal Anand v. State of Madhya Pradesh and Ors., it was noted that any novation, withdrawal and modification of the contract can only be done bilaterally and with the amicable consent of both parties. The terms of a contract may be changed, but may not be unilateral unless there is a provision in the contract or in a law, or there is tacit acceptance by silence. In the case of Suresh Kumar Wadhwa v. In the State of Madhya Pradesh, it has been established that the contracting party does not have the right to unilaterally modify the terms of the contract, nor the right to add additional conditions unless both parties agree to modify these conditions in the contract.

When the agreement is amended, the liability of the parties in the original agreement expires and the parties are bound by the new amended agreement. 2. Undue influence (Article 16): ”If a person who is in a position to control the will of another enters into a contract with him and the transaction appears unscrupulous at first sight or on the basis of evidence, the burden of proof that such a contract was not concluded by undue influence lies with the person who is able to: to control the will of the other. Section 42 of the Indian Contracts Act deals with the decentralization of joint responsibilities. According to the section, there are several common promisors who are involved in a contract by making a promise, and then during the common life of the promisors, they must fulfill the promise together.. .