Five9 Service Level Agreement

”The service is very reliable and reliable. They have excellent customer support. Issues are always resolved in a timely manner and remain in constant communication with you with updates, so you can always resolve the status of your issue. You can tailor your features to all your business needs. – Tina A. At maximum capacity, the service allows your company to accommodate up to 1,000 agents at a time, and at its minimum, it only allows three seats. This makes it an attractive service for companies in the growth phase. There`s plenty of room for features and seats to use when scaling. The provider also has a fairly fast deployment – you will be set up in a few weeks, which is very fast considering the service requirements for running a center. Talkdesk is a CCaaS solution that stands out for being the only one on the market with a 100% uptime guarantee (at the enterprise level). This makes it a very reliable option for large centers that need to make sure they won`t lose any calls.

Like Five9, it is a provider that goes far beyond simple voice contact – with the service you have of SMS, email, social and chatbot contacts. In addition, the Callbar feature offers user-friendly agent selection features, even when using other software on an agent desktop. Unlike other providers, they do not charge a porting fee for existing numbers. According to a forrester study, 60% of customers pay more for a better customer experience. In today`s competitive business environment, delivering an exceptional level of service speaks volumes about a company`s commitment to staying in touch with its customers. Contact centers play a critical role in increasing service levels, which translates into better customer satisfaction and revenue streams. Five9 manages more than three billion customer interactions per year for the more than 1,000 customers who use its call center software. When these customers request support, a quick response is a top priority. In 2014, the company struggled with customer issues that required escalation to Level 2 and Level 3 support. Getting the right data through the support chain was a manual effort that involved too much duplicate data entry.

A small team dedicated to synchronizing data on three different tools. The Five9 blog shares the latest news about Five9, customer service news, digital transformation, and the future of the contact center. Sign up today to stay up-to-date on the latest trends impacting the customer experience and contact center industries. More information. Five9 has been running virtual call centers for over 11 years and the company provides services to approximately 2,000 customers and is growing rapidly. To date, the company has enabled more than 3.2 billion communications between businesses and customers, winning numerous awards from well-known organizations such as Cloud Computing Magazine, TMC Labs, Internet Telephony Magazine, and AlwaysOn. Since the company`s system is cloud-based, no routine maintenance is required and when the company updates a program, the software should never be delayed or interrupted. Simply put, for most companies, we find that Five9 wins by comparing the two providers. As you read in our face-to-face section, the supplier won three of the five criteria we measured. We also found that paying for what you needed aspects of the service was simply more useful for most SMBs looking to enter the contact center market. We recommend choosing Five9 if you: As a business owner, it`s important that customers can contact you at any time. Both providers can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Email and phone support is provided by both providers, as are self-service options that include video tutorials and e-guides. They also offer an FAQ section that customers can use for frequently asked questions. Five9 has helped many companies move from location-based solutions to the cloud. We manage 3 billion customer interactions every day and know what it takes to improve customer service. Deliver exceptional customer service with the sophisticated routing capabilities of Five9 Inbound Cloud Call Center software. Next-generation systems route calls to the right agents at the right time and automatically deliver customer information to agents` workstations so they can resolve the issue quickly. Customers can perform routine functions through intelligent IVR with advanced voice recognition and. 99.999% (five nine) predicted availability, supported by redundant and geographically dispersed data centers with failover capability. Customer support is available 24/7 and 365 via email, phone or customer portal. Advanced support services are also available upon request, offering a dedicated technical account manager, account reviews, consulting support, and other premium support services. So, which one is for you? Both evolve very well, but Five9 can be more useful for companies whose appeal requests are constantly varying. For example, a nonprofit that has irregular advances for donor work might prefer the payment-to-use structure and pay-to-use structure from that provider.


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Fee Waiver Form Immigration

For some applicants, such as those applying for U visas, VAWA green cards and Temporary Protected Status (TPS), these requirements are a bit more flexible. If you are a special young person with an immigrant background, you do not have to provide proof of income with your application for fee waiver. For more information on admission requirements for fee exemptions, see the instructions on Form I-912. To claim a fee waiver, you must send Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver, along with the rest of your application package, to USCIS. You cannot complete the fee waiver application online. USCIS only accepts the paper version of the form. The latest version of the form is available on the USCIS website. If you are applying as a family, each member who submits an application must complete an I-912 form. However, the second and third options are certainly options, so it is very important to consider them before deciding to ask for some waivers or fee reductions. Let`s explore them a little further here. You may be eligible for a fee waiver if you can prove that your household income is equal to or less than 150% of the federal poverty line for your state and you submit a type of application that qualifies for a fee waiver. If your household income is between 150% and 200% of your state`s federal poverty line and you fill out a qualification form, you may be eligible for a fee reduction.

This article explains the difference between a fee reduction and a fee exemption, who is eligible and how to apply for each person. For more information on household member counting, click here. Make copies of forms for your records, submit copies of receipts instead of originals, and use a direct mail service that allows tracking. The address to which you send your application package and your fee waiver application is different depending on the type of application. Read the application instructions on the USCIS website and the instructions in our registration guides to find out where to send your registration package. Immigration forms can be complex and confusing. Boundless makes it easy to complete your application by turning all regulatory requirements into simple questions that you can easily answer online. Find out more or get started now! To be eligible for a fee waiver, you must prove to the U.S. government that you cannot afford the filing fee for one or more of the following reasons: To claim a fee waiver, you must file Form I-912, Application for Fee Waiver.

USCIS accepts a written request, but Form I-912 provides you with the guidelines and structure of the request. Submit Form I-912 with the form for which you are claiming a fee waiver. At that time, you must submit the paper form. If USCIS approves your fee waiver application, you will not receive an immigration benefit – USCIS will process your immigration application separately. It simply means that you don`t have to pay a registration fee for your registration. Before you apply for a waiver, you should be aware that, in some cases, your application may interfere with your citizenship application. One of the admission requirements is to show that you have a good moral character. While poverty does not show a lack of moral character, the USCIS could review the records of an applicant receiving public benefits to determine whether they are illegally receiving any of those benefits.

This would be considered fraud, suggesting that they do not have the necessary moral character. In the meantime, the USCIS could find that a foreigner who has filed for bankruptcy or has credit judgments against him has profited from the U.S. economic system. This could show that they do not have a good moral character, especially if they do not repay their debts. USCIS recognizes that not all individuals can afford the fees for filing immigration forms. A fee waiver is possible for some USCIS forms. Guidelines have been established to apply for a fee exemption so that applicants who need it most can benefit from this benefit. If you meet the admission requirements for a fee waiver and are ready to apply for immigration status, read our detailed filing guides. We can help you prepare and submit your application for free applications such as citizenship by naturalization using our free online tool.

For more information on household income, see the fee waiver instructions here. To request a USCIS fee reduction, you must first complete Form I-942. Form I-942 is officially known as the ”Reduced Fee Request.” You can access the latest version of the form on the USCIS website. There is no online version of the form, so you will need to download and print it to fill it out. .

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Fair and Reasonable Legal Definition

What is reasonably satisfactory, MSCD 12.335 says that it is a concise way of making it clear that an objective standard is provided. But I wonder if a clearer alternative to acme would be reasonably satisfactory to a reasonable person in Acme`s position. L`Heureux-Dubé J. wrote for the Court, noting that the contract, which establishes the bank`s right to realize its securities, provides that it may do so without notice. Nevertheless, the Court held that such a seemingly absolute right should be mitigated by the principle of reasonable time. Therefore, notwithstanding the absence of an explicit standard of adequacy in a financing document, a court examines the actions of a lender on the basis of the principle of ”adequacy” to determine whether the lender has abused its contractual rights. UCTA has the potential to influence commercial contracts in terms of negligence and misrepresentation. Negligence is expressed in Article 2(2) of the UCTA according to which ”a party may not exclude or limit liability for negligence unless the clause satisfies the requirement of reasonableness”. However, a provision that attempts to exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence is still ineffective. In my last article on moral reprehensibility, I noticed that I found the phrase ”his reasonable but gullible opinion” strange, and a few commentators commented on it. So I thought I should take a more general look at the relationship between these two concepts.

A lender`s right of consent is usually found in a financing document. It is important for a lender to understand what the implications of the adequacy standard are and what other standards may apply to its obligations. However, the SCC concluded that the very short period of time (only a few hours) between the claim for payment and the realisation of the securities or the liquidation of the assets was inappropriate. It found that the bank had therefore abused its contractual rights to recall the loan and exercise its securities. The use of reasonableness is quite simple, but reasonably raises some questions. Fair and reasonable contract terms are applied by the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA).3 min read The legal principles set out in Welbow have been used by the courts to interpret similar provisions outside the owner-tenant relationship3 and may be applicable with respect to financial services. And what is reasonably necessary? Something is necessary, or it is not. For what purposes is it reasonably served? Here is what I suspect the author of the fragment quoted above tried to say: an amount necessary to satisfy emergency needs, as determined by a reasonable person in the participant`s position. Article 11(1) of the UCTA states that the duration of the contract is `. a fair and appropriate reception, having regard to the circumstances known or should have been known to the parties at the time of the conclusion of the contract, in order to satisfy the criterion of adequacy.

In addition, Annex 2 of the UTCA includes additional guidance to provide factors that can help determine suitability. A common case where the ”standard of adequacy” could be imposed on lenders concerns agreements that require the lender`s consent to assign rights and obligations, where that consent ”shall not be unreasonably withheld.” Fair and reasonable contract terms are applied by the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA). UCTA limits the limit that companies can set potential liabilities when drafting commercial contracts. UCTA focuses on contractual provisions and notices that limit or exclude liability. This also includes non-contractual terms and is intended to prevent applicable general laws from being overused. Any company that relies on the terms of the contract to assess liability should review ucta before challenging it in court. Lewinson1 describes the interpretation of contracts as the determination of the service that the document would convey to a reasonable person who possesses all the basic knowledge that would reasonably have been available to the parties in the situation in which they found themselves at the time of the contract. The terms must be drafted in a clear and modern style and comply with the standards of the law and the jurisdiction of the contract.

Model license agreements follow the same rule. Do not use a US model for a contractual agreement in the UK. If the parties involved draft the contract without judicial intervention, the terms are more likely to be considered fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory. At first glance, both pieces of legislation provide an opportunity to combat contract terms that are considered unfair. In practice, they tend to vary the interpretation of laws and therefore make it difficult to define the law. The UCTA does not cover all exemption clauses. The result is a conceptual hole in which an exception clause and an obligation nullify each other and, therefore, no final decision can be made in the matter. .

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Executive Agreements Are Most Similar to What

In the United States, executive agreements are internationally binding when negotiated and concluded under the authority of the president in foreign policy, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, or based on an earlier act of Congress. For example, the president negotiates as commander-in-chief and includes status-of-forces agreements (SOAFs) that govern the treatment and disposition of U.S. forces stationed in other countries. However, the President cannot unilaterally reach executive agreements on matters that do not fall within his constitutional powers. In such cases, there should be an agreement in the form of an executive agreement of Congress or a treaty with the advice and consent of the Senate. [2] The U.S. Constitution does not explicitly give the president the power to enter into executive agreements. However, it may be authorized to do so by Congress, or it may do so on the basis of the authority granted to it to conduct foreign relations. Despite questions about the constitutionality of executive agreements, the Supreme Court ruled in 1937 that they had the same power as treaties. Since executive agreements are concluded under the authority of the outgoing president, they do not necessarily bind his successors. Other countries have similar provisions regarding the ratification of treaties. This recognition of the preventive realization of executive agreements was an element in the movement for a constitutional amendment in the 1950s to limit the powers of the president in this area, but this move failed.9Footnote There were many linguistic variations for the Bricker Amendment, but typical was § 3 of the SJ Res. 1, as reported by the Senate Judiciary Committee, 83rd Congress, 1.

Sess. (1953), which provided: Congress has the power to regulate all executive and other agreements with a foreign power or international organization. All such agreements shall be subject to the restrictions imposed on the Treaties by this Article. The relevant restriction on this point was § 2, which stated: A treaty takes effect as domestic law in the United States only through legislation that would be valid without a contract. An executive agreement[1] is an agreement between the heads of government of two or more countries that has not been ratified by the legislature when treaties are ratified. Executive agreements are considered politically binding to distinguish them from legally binding treaties. Article II of the Constitution authorizes the President to enter into treaties with the Council and the approval of two-thirds of the U.S. Senate.

An ”executive agreement” is an agreement with a foreign government signed by a member of the executive without the approval of the council and the senate. If the executive acts unilaterally, the agreement is called a ”single executive agreement”; When the executive branch acts with the approval of a simple majority of both houses of Congress, the agreement is called an ”executive agreement of Congress.” It is at the discretion of the President to decide whether to sign an international agreement in the form of an Article II treaty, a single executive agreement, or an agreement between Congress and the executive. In deciding which form of agreement is appropriate, the President shall take into account the relative importance of the agreement, the likelihood of obtaining a super-majority in the Senate or a simple majority of both houses, and the domestic legal effect of the agreement. When the president enters into an executive agreement, what kind of obligation does he impose on the United States? That it can impose international obligations with potentially serious consequences is obvious, and that such obligations can persist for long periods of time is equally obvious.1FootnoteIn 1918, Secretary of State Lansing assured the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Lansing-Ishii Agreement had no binding force on the United States, that it was simply a statement of American policy. as long as the president and the State Department could choose to pursue him. 1 W. Willoughby, above, at 547. In fact, it took the Washington Conference of 1921, two formal treaties and an exchange of notes to eradicate them, while the gentlemen`s agreement was finally terminated after 17 years only by an act of Congress.

W. McClure, up to 97,100. The nature of the internal obligations imposed by executive agreements is not so obvious. Do contracts and executive agreements have the same internal political effect?2FootnoteSee E. Byrd, loc. cit. 151-57. Treaties prevent the law of the State by applying the supremacy clause. While executive agreements concluded on the basis of congressional powers or treaty obligations may also derive preventive power from the supremacy clause, this textual basis of pre-emption is likely lacking for executive agreements based solely on the president`s constitutional powers.


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Example of Family Child Care Contract

If you need help drafting a contract, there are a variety of contract examples to choose from. Child care approval regulations say a lot about how a licensed provider cares for your child. Before choosing a child care provider, you can find out from several locations. In addition to visiting and asking questions, you can check a supplier`s license, view their inspection history, and find their quality score (if available). Depending on your condition, you may be able to perform these tasks online. Our State Resources page can provide you with more information on these topics and provides an online search link for child care in your state, which, if possible, also displays some of this information in provider lists if your state makes this information publicly available. You want your child to be safe, healthy, happy and to learn, both with you and in the care of others. How you want your child to be cared for is extremely important. Knowing that your child will be cared for the way you want, you will have more peace of mind when you are gone.

Photo credit: Emergency Preparedness Plans: Emergencies such as natural disasters can result in the temporary suspension of child care programs. An emergency closure may occur while your child is in care. How will you be informed of the closures and the reopening plan? Is the provider able to provide adequate care for your child if you can`t reach them for several hours or even days? If the facility needs to be evacuated due to an emergency, do you know where to pick up your child? All of these issues should be addressed in a written contingency plan. This plan may be part of the policies and procedures or it may be a separate document. Redleaf Press publishes a two-page contract template with copies. Curriculum: A provider may follow a specific philosophy or learning or teaching program. Make sure learning opportunities are planned every day and that they match your child`s age and development. It is important that the information is written. Having the information in writing is a great sign that a provider has invested time and effort in deciding how to care for children and run their business. In addition, written policies and procedures must be made available to all employees and volunteers so that they can understand and follow them. Contractual Terms: There are two clauses in a contract that are enforceable in court – Transportation Policies: If your child care provider is driving your child on a bus or car, make sure the drivers are licensed and insured.

You must also ensure that the vehicle is in good condition and that your child is secured with the right type of car seat, booster seat or seat belt, depending on your child`s height and age. At the very least, your contract should include these four basic elements: Alternative care and alternative care: What is the policy for replacement or replacement care if your child`s primary caregiver is unable to be there? Daily schedule: Look for a schedule that suits your child`s needs. Things like naps, meals and snacks, outdoor games, and free play are usually included in the daily routine. The daily routine should be age-appropriate and flexible enough to meet the needs of the children in care. Ask how the daily routine supports your child`s learning and development. Safe sleep practices: If you have a child under 12 months of age, it`s important that your caregiver has a safe place to sleep for your baby. It is also important that all program participants always follow the recommendations for safe sleep. Ask where your child will sleep and ask how the provider will handle your child`s nap time. Make sure there are enough safe and stable beds for each toddler present and that there is a well-fitting sheet on the mattress and that there is nothing else in the crib. Make sure your baby is placed in the crib to sleep and is not left in a car seat, inflatable seat or baby swing. If you don`t have a doctor`s prescription, make sure your baby is placed on his back.

For the latest information on safe sleep environments, read these resources from the American Academy of Pediatrics. A daycare is a place of business that parents can use to care for their children when they are at work or other obligations. Openings, hours per week, transportation, excursions, babysitting contract – For the hiring of a babysitter to supervise children for a temporary period. You should have a signed contract with your provider before you start care. The contract must include items that you have agreed to with your child care provider. This includes your child`s schedule, the prices and fees you will be charged, who is eligible to pick up your child, how the vacation will be managed, and what you will need to do if you want to end care. Names of Parties: Your name, parents` names, children`s names High-quality child care programs have written policies and procedures available. Some may summarize this information in a parent`s manual. Some providers may also ask you to sign a statement stating that you have received a copy of the policies and procedures.

Even if you don`t have to sign a declaration, it`s important that you review policies and procedures with your provider to make sure you agree. Parent engagement and involvement: Are parents encouraged to participate in activities? Are there ways to participate in the design of program policies, activities and materials? Parental involvement can help welcome, honor and celebrate the cultures and languages of all children. Your participation can build a better relationship with your provider, promote quality improvement, and support your child`s learning and development. Termination Policy: You must agree on the notice period required if you or the provider need to terminate your childcare contract 50-State Pricing ($): 50-State Map ( One factor that can make this much more difficult is the proximity to the children in your care that you leave your responsibilities as a business owner behind you. .

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Eu Competition Law Exclusive Distribution

The most relevant hardcore restrictions for a selective distribution agreement are: in the context of selective distribution, VABER (in Article 4(c)), notes that the following amounts to a hardcore restriction: (c) the creation of an additional but more limited safe harbour for dual distribution where the supplier and its distributors have an overall retail market share of more than 10 %; but nevertheless the market share threshold of 30 % set out in Article 3 of Article 3 of the DDPER. In such a scenario, all aspects of the vertical agreement remain exempt, with the exception of the exchange of information between the parties to the vertical agreement, which must be assessed in accordance with the rules applicable to horizontal agreements (Article 2(5)) See also, Analysis of vertical agreements under competition law, Block exemption of vertical restraints. For a checklist of the most important steps in assessing vertical agreements, see Vertical agreement checklist. The Guidelines also recognise that certain quality requirements may need to be specifically adapted to the characteristics of Internet distribution. This is illustrated by the possibility that an authorised trader may be obliged to limit the quantity of goods sold to each final consumer in order to prevent sales to unauthorised distributors. If internet platforms make it easier for unauthorized retailers to obtain large quantities of products, quality standards for online sales may need to be stricter to accommodate this. The prohibition of cross-supply between operators on the same network is inherently restrictive of competition in that it restricts intra-brand competition, which runs counter to the very objective of achieving an internal market. Where exclusive distribution is not combined with selective distribution, the prohibition of reciprocal supply infringes the principle of the trader`s freedom to conduct a business. While the distribution system is both exclusive and selective, it infringes the principle of free resale between members of the network inherent in selective distribution.

Article 4(d) of Regulation No 330/2010 considers the restriction of reciprocity between distributors within a selective distribution system to be a hardcore restriction. According to the Guidelines on Vertical Restraints, an exclusive distribution agreement is an agreement whereby `the supplier undertakes to sell its product to only one distributor for distribution in a given territory`. The exclusivity that the supplier must offer is essential to distinguish exclusive distribution from selective distribution. Unlike the authorized reseller, the exclusive distributor enjoys a real monopoly on the sale of the products in the contractual territory. The supplier undertakes not to supply other resellers or customers in the territory, apart from expressly mandated customers. Selective distributors, on the other hand, are subject to unrestricted competition from other members of the network. However, the exclusivity of the exclusive distributor is not absolute. Thus, although the exclusive distributor is exempt from the active sales of other distributors on the network in its territory, it is exposed to their passive sales, that is to say, those which satisfy consumer demand in their own territory which have not been requested by competing distributors. Finally, although it is by definition prohibited for the selective distributor to sell off-grid, it is not subject to such sales restrictions, unless the system operator has opted for a combination of exclusive and selective distribution.

This quick guide provides an overview of how selective distribution agreements are treated under EU competition law. Article 101(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) prohibits agreements, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition. Under Article 101(2) TFEU, all those anti-competitive restrictions are void. Under Article 101(3) TFEU, anti-competitive restrictions may prima facie be exempted from the prohibition if it can be demonstrated that the benefits and efficiencies for consumers resulting from the restriction outweigh the anti-competitive effects as a whole. Article 101(3) applies in particular where the Agreement: the VABER contains a list of serious restrictions (so-called `hardcore restrictions`) on competition which, when included, eliminate the benefit of the block exemption from the Agreement in its entirety. This does not necessarily mean that the relevant agreement or restrictions referred to in Article 101(2) are inapplicable. There are two sets of circumstances in which this will not be the case, but both are difficult to apply in practice: the European Commission`s 2010 Guidelines (at paragraph 225) show some weakening of the traditional strict position on this issue, recognising that the maintenance of resale prices may lead to economic efficiency gains in certain circumstances and therefore meets the exemption criterion provided for in Article 101, paragraph 3. The Guidelines emphasise that price maintenance may be justified for resale during an initial product launch phase or for short-term coordinated promotions in a franchise or distribution network. In the context of selective distribution, given the concern of ”parasitism” mentioned above, it is particularly interesting to note that the maintenance of resale prices could be justified in order to prevent parasitism, given that retailers who invest in additional after-sales services may reduce these services if they are undercut by price by retailers who do not provide these services. However, there will be a heavy burden of proof to justify these provisional exemptions under Article 101(3) and caution is advised. Under an exclusive distribution agreement, the distributor has an exclusive distribution territory in which it is protected against competing sales of the supplier and/or designated distributors in other territories.

Somewhat less frequently and alone or in combination with an exclusive distribution territory, the distributor can benefit from the allocation of an exclusive category of customers, again with protection against competing sales of the supplier/other distributors. It is clear that the last of these restrictions is particularly relevant for selective distribution. According to VABER, it is possible to prohibit authorized resellers from reselling competing brands, but any obligation to boycott the products of a particular supplier will not benefit from the exemption. The purpose of that provision is to prevent several suppliers using the same selective distributors from preventing certain competitors from using those distributors, which could lead to a potential market closure for those suppliers. Since 1. In May 2004, the parties will have to draw their own conclusions on the compatibility of their trade agreements with EU competition law. Although many selective distribution agreements are considered non-objectionable from the point of view of competition law, strict conditions must be met and the conditions of such agreements must be examined individually on a case-by-case basis. An agreement which infringes Article 101(1) of the Treaty and which is not eligible for a block exemption may nevertheless be exempted individually on the basis of Article 101(3). While it is for the Commission to demonstrate the appreciable effect of the agreement, it is for the undertakings, once that effect has been established, to demonstrate that there are pro-competitive factors and efficiency gains capable of satisfying the conditions laid down in Article 101(3). .


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Epa Agreement between Japan and India

In September 2010, Japan and the Republic of India, on the basis of a series of negotiations since January 2006, confirmed the substantive agreement on the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and the Republic of India (APPAI). JiCEPA was signed by both countries in February 2011 and entered into force in August 2011.JICEPA became the twelfth Economic Partnership Agreement for Japan, following its conclusion with Singapore, Mexico, Malaysia, Chile, Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, the entire ASEAN, the Philippines, Switzerland and Vietnam. India and Japan therefore have a similar structure, particularly with regard to their dependence on the services sector. In recent years, the two countries have strengthened their bilateral ties through new initiatives and programs ranging from economic and cultural ties to defense and security ties. The year 2007 was also officially celebrated as the year of friendship between the two countries. Japan provides 30 per cent of its official development assistance (ODA) to India and has remained engaged during the global economic downturn. For example, Japan has provided nearly $4 billion for the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC). 1. Summary of the JICEPA Agreement promotes the liberalization of trade in goods and services and the facilitation of investment between Japan and India, strengthens the bilateral economic partnership and strengthens cooperation in various fields, including the free movement of natural persons and intellectual property. The agreement had two main concerns, namely: infrastructure in India and non-tariff barriers in Japan.

On the infrastructure front, the two countries agreed in 2006 to collaborate on the massive $90 billion Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) project. The main agenda of the DMIC project includes the development of nine industrial zones; a high-speed freight line; three ports; six airports; a six-lane highway with no intersection; and a 4,000-megawatt power plant. The project agreement looks very promising in the context of the new manufacturing policy, according to which India aims to increase the share of manufacturing industry in GDP to 25% within a decade and possibly create 100 million jobs. This paper attempts to analyse the initial impact of the India-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement on trade and investment relations as well as other areas of cooperation. Although it is still too early for a thorough impact assessment, the study seeks to identify some facts related to the effectiveness of the agreement. The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between India and Japan was signed on 16 February 2011 and entered into force on 1 August 2011. In addition to accelerating trade activities, the agreement aimed to eliminate tariffs on 90 percent of Japanese exports to India, such as auto parts and electrical appliances, and on 97 percent of imports from India, including agricultural and fishery products, by 2021. Since the introduction of CEPA, merchandise trade between India and Japan has increased by 38%, with total bilateral trade expected to reach $24 billion by March 2013. Mukhopadhyay and Bhattacharyay (2011) assessed the macroeconomic impact of Trade Integration between Japan and India using the Analysis of the World Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) analysis.

It was noted that production from India and Japan will increase slightly in 2020 after tariff reductions compared to the status quo. The results expected marginal export growth, adequate trade creation and an improvement in the well-being of both countries by 2020 with the successful implementation of CEPA. India, for its part, has also expressed its own concerns about the agreement. New Delhi called on Japan to remove all non-tariff barriers to trade in order to realize the real benefits under CEPA, particularly those that would be obtained in the Japanese pharmaceutical market. It is mutually recognized that Japan`s strong demand for generics can potentially be met by India, which is a win-win situation for both countries. On April 30, 2012, the first ministerial-level economic dialogue between India and Japan was held to pursue the same objectives as under CEPA. The dialogue showed that relations between the two nations have become more equal today – both allow for mutual concessions and compromises to achieve the expected gains. Both countries agree that the success of CEPA depends on several dimensions. The identification of potential areas of trade and investment between the two countries presents them with an important policy agenda to achieve the expected gains of the pact. Japan and India agreed in 2007 to increase bilateral trade flows to $20 billion by 2010. However, the total missed the target, reaching only 1290 billion yen (about $15.85 billion).

For 2011-2012, bilateral trade between India and Japan amounted to $18.31 billion, a 32 percent increase over the previous year. The India-Japan Comprehensive Trade Agreement aims to nearly double bilateral trade to $25 billion by 2014. Japan mainly exports machinery, electronics, steel products to India, while India mainly exports oil, iron ore and chemicals to Japan. Japan is India`s 12th largest trading partner, while India is Japan`s 27th largest trading partner. Bilateral trade and investment flows between the two countries have not been spectacular, as Japanese companies have focused on doing business with China and Southeast Asia. About 870 Japanese companies operate in India, and Japan`s direct investment in India amounted to about 241 billion yen in 2010 (543 billion yen in 2008), according to the Japanese government. In the context of the global recovery and the two countries` attempt to increase trade and exports, a paper on Indo-Japan trade relations, as well as an analysis of services, investment and other areas of cooperation in the context of the signing of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), would be relevant to highlight the problems of the two countries and propose measures to promote trade and investment between them. 3.

Key Elements of the Agreement (1) Trade in Goods: Agreement on the Complete Elimination and Reduction of Tariffs on Mining and Industrial Products and on Agricultural Products in Bilateral Trade. . . .

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Employment Contract Singapore Template

Give your employment contract a title so that the person reviewing or signing the document understands what it is. For example, you can call the document ”Employment Contract” or ”[Name of your company] Employment Contract”. If an employee refuses to sign an employment contract, they lose their job and decide not to work for your company. In certain circumstances, you can renegotiate certain parts of the employment contract so that both parties are satisfied and the contract is signed. An employment contract, also known as an employment contract, is a necessary document for companies in various sectors. They help employees understand the standards they must meet when working in the company and help employers reduce the risk of work liability. Unlike a written employment contract, an implied employment contract includes verbal comments made during an interview or promotion, or anything in an employee manual or job offer letter. For example, if you tell a candidate during their interview that they will receive a raise each year when they are hired, this could be considered an implied contract. Permanent full-time: A permanent full-time employee is a person who meets the requirements for full-time hours and does not have a predetermined end date for their employment. For workers, contracts help clarify the details of their employment and have a reference point for the terms and conditions of that employment. They can also contact the support contract if they feel that their work goes beyond what was originally agreed.

The clause contained in your model employment contract must be fair and reasonable for both parties, as well as legal to be considered enforceable in court. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the two parties and supersedes any prior written or oral agreements. This agreement may be amended at any time provided that the employer and employee agree in writing. A fixed-term contract is used for temporary workers. It also contains all the relevant details of an employment contract, but indicates a certain period of time during which the contract is valid. As a witness and consent to this, the employer performed this contract with due process through the approval of the company`s official representatives and with the written consent of the employee. Be sure to clearly state the details of the remuneration in your employment contract. This way, there is no confusion regarding the new employee`s first or second paycheck. Here are the things you should include in the compensation part of the contract: Employment contracts are a standard for companies in almost every industry. As an employer, the employment contract helps you to communicate very clearly your expectations of new employees. It also provides you with legal protection and a document to refer to in case an employee raises a dispute against your company. Employment contracts usually indicate which parties enter into the contract.

Remember to spell out clearly the name of your company and the name of the person you are hiring. As a general rule, implied employment contracts are only legally binding if there is no written employment contract. Employment contracts are valid as long as a person is employed in your company. In most cases, it is usually not necessary to rewrite employment contracts every year. If an employee is promoted, you may want to consider updating their job description and asking them to sign the updated form. During your period of employment with the employer, you cannot work for another employer who is associated with or competing with the company. You will fully disclose to your employer any other employment relationship you have and you are permitted to seek alternative employment provided (a) that it does not affect your ability to perform your duties and (b) that you do not support any other organization competing with the employer. Creating an employment contract for each new hire has benefits for you and your employees. Here are some of the main advantages of employment contracts: Employment contracts usually have specific contractual conditions such as effective date, type of employment, termination, termination, dispute resolution procedures, applicable law, and severability.

Example: ”This employment contract is between Atlas Corp. (”Employer”) and Samuel Johnson (”The Employee”).” The parties agree that if any part of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable, it shall be deleted from the Protocol and the remaining provisions shall retain their full force and effect. .

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Electronic Trading Agreement

3. Unknown terms / changes to the termsAlthough we have very favorable conditions in their contracts, we often see that sellers reserve the right to unilaterally change these conditions. In Access Agreements, we often see provisions that: 13.9 it has entered into and will maintain the release and settlement agreements referred to in sections 10 above and the written procedures referred to in Articles 12.4 and 12.5 and will maintain them for the term of this Agreement and that it will provide JPMSI with copies of such agreements and procedures within five (5) business days of a request from JPMSI; 6. The use of ETPAccess agreements generally provides that individual traders use the account of the contracting fund manager. Given the complex structures that funds use today, this simple model may be inadequate. In addition, the increasing use of algorithmic trading systems can lead to very little human interaction with FTEs. People other than traders may also need access to the ETP or generated reports, e.B. Your risk management, IT or accounting teams or your customers. If there is a restriction on your account(s) with Schwab, your use of the trading features of the Electronic Services in connection with those accounts will be limited. In addition, Schwab reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to require a cash or stock deposit at any time and to determine the suitability of such deposit prior to the execution of any transaction via the Electronic Services.

Schwab is not responsible for delays or failures in the provision of the Electronic Services, including the execution of a securities order, in the event that there is a restriction on your account, you do not have sufficient funds in your account, or you delay or do not make a cash or capital requirement deposit. 2. Do you have a backup planWhat would you do if your ETP broke down in the middle of a trading day? You should consider how long you can do without an FTE before a disaster strikes. The answer to this question should help them guide the backup plan you need. For example, you may want redundant FTEs or, if the strategy allows, the ability to transact over the phone. Notices and other communications, including but not limited to confirmations, transaction reports, bank statements and margin calls, are deemed to have been delivered and received in person (i) on the day of transmission if sent electronically through the system, or (ii) on the next business day if sent by mail or otherwise. ARCA hereby agrees that JPMSI will not be liable for any loss, damage or expense, and ARCA hereby waives any claim arising directly or indirectly from the failure to receive such notice or communication. This Agreement may be performed in one or more considerations, each of which shall be deemed original, but each of which together constitutes a single Agreement. 4.

Although some providers offer terms that protect your trading and other data, surprisingly many remain silent on this topic. Other providers expressly reserve the right to use your data, usually on an anonymous basis. You should be careful here, as you may have fiduciary duties to ensure that your fund`s trading data remains confidential and not disseminated. ESA and our website contain important disclosures and regulatory information associated with our content and electronic services. By clicking on ”I agree”, you agree to the electronic delivery of these items in HTML format. To access and keep them for your records, Schwab recommends using strong encryption, Secure Sockets Layer compatible browsers with Java Script enabled. To learn more about browsers and Internet security, please click on this link: SchwabSafe. You can print the ESA before clicking ”I Agree” and you must keep a copy of your entire account agreement.

If you do not have a printer, you can call us to obtain a free hard copy of your account contract, including ESA. ESA is available to you at any time under the ”Agreements” link, which can be found at the bottom of many pages of our website. 13.3 It will make its own independent decisions of trading and routing orders Historically, the execution of transactions has been a physical transaction. Trades were executed on exchanges with hand signals and shouted into pits or trading rings. The introduction of e-commerce and order routing in the 1990s radically changed the business landscape, significantly shifting trading from trading platforms to electronic trading platforms that offer faster execution, lower fees, and better market access, among other things. .

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Early Decision Agreement Uchicago

By applying the advance ruling, an applicant makes it clear that UChicago is their first choice, and the admissions committee will determine your enthusiasm for UChicago throughout the admissions process. In addition, the admissions committee has more space in the classroom during the early decision phase. However, the application of the advance ruling will not overcome the significant weaknesses of an application, and candidates for the advance ruling will be assessed according to the same criteria as candidates for due process of ruling. Our mandatory advance ruling program is an expedited process in which the Admissions Committee agrees to review your application earlier in the cycle and make an initial decision before the end of the calendar year. If you are admitted, we require that you commit to enrolling in law school and immediately withdrawing all applications from other law schools. You cannot submit new applications after being informed of your admission to UChicago. If the University of Chicago School of Law is your first choice, you should apply to our mandatory advance ruling program. If you are a graduate or are going to graduate from the College of the University of Chicago, you are also eligible to apply to early Decision through the Chicago Law Scholars Program. All applicants must apply through the Law School Admission Council`s (LSAC) flexible application, which is fully accessible to the visually impaired.

Applicants with disabilities who require adequate accommodation to complete the application process should contact the Admissions Office at 773-702-9484 or email with their application. Chicago Law Scholars is similar to the Early Decision program, but is only available to students and alumni of the University of Chicago Undergraduate College. Applicants to the Chicago Law Scholars have an application deadline of December 1 and will receive a decision by the end of December. Applicants to the Chicago Law Scholars program enjoy the same benefits as early decision applicants (enthusiasm for UChicago, expedited decision, and the benefit of being considered early in the process). In addition, successful applicants admitted to the Chicago Law Scholars Program will receive a scholarship of at least $150,000. We usually send rulings for advance ruling applicants before the end of December. Requesters for advance rulings are either accepted, rejected or placed on the waiting list for further consideration as part of the regular decision-making process. If your application is on the waiting list, admission is no longer binding if it is offered as part of the regular decision-making process. We inform advance ruling applicants of their decisions in the same way as due process candidates. (Learn more about our decision notification procedures.) The Early Decision program is designed for applicants who have done extensive research on law schools, have carefully considered their options, and come to the conclusion that the University of Chicago Law School is their first choice. In exchange for the benefits of an expedited decision and the certainty of completing the admission process earlier, the applicant must commit to participating in UChicago.

If you`re not sure if UChicago is your first choice or if you think you`ll need to weigh all the options, Regular Decision will probably be a better fit for you. To be considered for the Advance Ruling Program, applicants must (1) specify ”Advance Ruling” in the application type question and (2) complete the advance ruling agreement in JD`s application. You cannot apply for a mandatory advance ruling program at another law school if you apply early Decision at the University of Chicago School of Law. The admissions office must receive your application and all required documents by December 1st. Managing the LSAT in November is the final test date that we will consider for a quick decision. Please read the application instructions on the LSAC website before starting your application. LSAC does not send the application to the law school until it has received and processed all the necessary documents. The Admissions Office will not review your application until it is complete. Your application is complete when we have received your application and all the necessary materials. There is a demand for all applicants to the JD program. Applicants with an advance ruling must submit all required application documents to LSAC. The law school has a paperless admission process and all documents must be submitted electronically.

We will get rid of all paper documents sent directly to the registrar. The admissions office will inform you by e-mail (1) of the receipt of your application and (2) of the diploma. Be sure to correctly provide your email address to LSAC and adjust your spam filters to allow emails from the LSAC and University of Chicago server. Email is our primary method of communicating with you. Yes, you can switch from an advance ruling to a regular ruling (or from a regular ruling to an advance ruling if you notify us before the advance ruling request deadline). If you have already submitted your application, you must contact the Admissions Office and ask us to amend your application. If you are moving to advance ruling, we will ask you to complete the advance ruling agreement and update your request in our advance ruling database once the advance ruling agreement has been received. Applicants who have made an advance ruling will be informed by the end of December that their applications have been accepted, placed on the waiting list for further examination or rejected. Admission to the Advance Ruling Program is binding on the applicant. If admitted under the Advance Ruling Program, advance ruling applicants must confirm their intention to enroll in the Faculty of Law and must immediately withdraw all applications from other law schools (regardless of the status of those requests). Some advance ruling applicants who are not admitted during the early ruling cycle may be placed on the waiting list and reassessed during the regular ruling cycle.

If a candidate is placed on the waiting list for further examination and re-examined during the regular decision-making cycle, admission is no longer binding on the applicant. Advance ruling and due process decision applicants will complete the same application, but you will have the opportunity to indicate your intention to apply for an advance ruling in the application. In the ”Application Type” question of the application, advance ruling applicants must select ”Advance Ruling Program”. Applicants for advance rulings must also complete the advance ruling agreement. All Early Decision applicants will be considered for scholarship assistance, but you will be asked to confirm your intention to enroll in UChicago before receiving your financial aid. Applicants for an advance ruling are also eligible for student loans. Advance ruling applicants are generally considered for scholarship grants at the same time as our first group of due process applicants in January. The Faculty of Law must receive your application and the required documents from LSAC no later than December 1st. Please note that the management of the LSAT in November is the last test date that we will consider for a quick decision. If this is your first LSAT participant, be sure to complete your writing sample on time so that there is no delay in processing your application.


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