Mutual Divorce Notice Format in India

6. That the parties have now decided to legally dissolve the marriage by means of an amicable divorce decree. The parties have settled all their claims, counterclaims, etc., and the defendant`s wife has received all her rights, permanent alimony, alimony, etc., and there is no due date with respect to any other claims between the parties. (Find an online legal service for drafting the mutual divorce agreement, which governs all the terms of mutual divorce) Under section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955, the parties may apply for divorce by mutual consent by filing an application with the court. Mutual agreement means that the two sides agree on a peaceful separation. Ethically, this is a good practice to follow. Especially in cases of husband-wife conflicts, it is usually necessary to call the person (to whom the notification is sent), ask for advice or a conversation and try to resolve the problems amicably. The limitation period must be indicated in the imprint or in the response to the notice of legal divorce. According to the divorce laws in India, any party who has the right to sue the other party will never be violated. Next, how to file the divorce action after the notification expires. In some cases, the wife`s legal advice to her husband also applies in divorce proceedings. Now let`s look at the format of the divorce legal notice. We have an example of a divorce notice for you that shows the format to follow.

These formats are also available here in pdf format. Legal advice to a wife regarding divorce and vice versa, once served, cannot be rejected by the receiving party. IMPORTANT NOTE: For urgent requests for services related to divorce rights, do not hesitate to contact us via the contact page of our website, our team of online legal experts will respond accordingly. Mutual divorce means that both parties will accept the filing of the divorce and will not oppose it. It is a joint application in which the husband and wife state the basic facts of the marriage, such as the date on which the marriage took place, the date since when and whether the husband and wife live separately. You can send a notice of legal divorce after discussing it with the client. Such legal advice will be issued by a lawyer on behalf of his client for the purpose of seeking settlement. In marriage, sending a legal opinion for divorce proceedings should be the final solution to ending a conflict, but many couples today act impulsively, sometimes unaware that there is a legal notification format for divorce. It is important to mention here that such a legal notice must be drafted by a competent lawyer and must cover all aspects, such as: the spouse can send the other spouse a notice of legal divorce in which he communicates his intention to initiate legal proceedings against the other party. Since a legal opinion is a formal notice sent from one person to the other, it would be a good idea to notify them before taking legal action. The notice is duly signed by the lawyer. It will then be sent either by registered mail, perspekt or by mail and the confirmation will be kept.

A copy of such communication will be kept by the lawyer concerned. The lawyer then writes the notice in legal language, in which: According to the law, one should always send a legal notice of divorce after marriage in a certain format and think a lot before taking this step, because divorce means the end of a marriage and the consequences of this decision can be very traumatic. During your consultation with the lawyer, you need to explain in detail all the relevant information: your lawyer carefully studies the information you provide and takes the relevant and necessary notes in the conversation with you. He/she will obtain additional information from you, if necessary, he/she is obliged to complete the preparation of said notification. However, if the judgment on the return of matrimonial rights is not respected for a period of more than one year after the date of the judgment, it becomes a ground for divorce, and the husband can then send a notice of divorce directly to the wife with the help of a good divorce lawyer. .