Reasons for Antenuptial Agreement

Marriage and marriage contracts are designed to protect you not only in the event of divorce, but also you and your business after the death of a spouse. Example: Brittany and Ted were both 25 when they decided to get married. They signed a prenuptial agreement that granted Ted all of the marriage property in the event of divorce. In addition, the agreement renounced Brittany`s right to maintenance. During their marriage, Ted started a software company that made him a billionaire. Brittany stays at home to raise her six children. If they divorce 15 years later, the court will probably not execute the marriage contract because it was unscrupulous to deny Brittany the property accumulated during the marriage or help with its dissolution. At the heart of any valid prenuptial agreement is the disclosure requirement. Without sufficient disclosure, it is difficult to establish a binding contract, especially since essential facts have been concealed.

Therefore, the best way to ensure the validity of the agreement is to exchange current net asset statements that list the assets and liabilities of each spouse. Example: Throughout the period when Lucy and Ricky were together, he always presented himself as a man without money and debt. Lucy believed that Ricky was really poor and decided that she and Ricky would work together once they got married to manage their household. If Ricky lied all the time and deliberately hid the fact that he owned money (to prevent it from being listed in the prenuptial agreement), the agreement is invalid because Ricky intentionally hid the actual amount of his assets from Lucy. Another potentially problematic area is the idea of having a joint lawyer to prepare and review the proposed marriage contract. To protect the interests of both parties, it is strongly recommended that each party have separate legal counsel. Example: Angela and Kevin are madly in love. Because of their positive relationship, Angela also decides to hire Kevin`s lawyer to advise her on her marriage contract.

Angela won`t be sufficiently protected by Kevin`s lawyer because Kevin`s lawyer has only one duty of loyalty to his client – Kevin, not Angela. To make sure Angela understands the deal, it`s best for her to consult with her own lawyer. Even the practice of recommending multiple names to the other spouse to choose from should be avoided in order to avoid the appearance of undue influence or other mismatches. Although a signatory to a prenuptial agreement may knowingly waive the right to a lawyer, lawyers are advised to insist that each party be independently represented separately. Ideally, each party should be responsible for paying their attorneys` fees. However, if one party pays the other party`s costs, whether by loan or donation, the relevant facts must be expressly set out in the agreement. The final key is that the circumstances of the negotiation and execution of the agreement are free from coercion. The most common example of unacceptable pressure is the submission of a draft contract on the eve of the planned marriage or, in the most extreme case, literally on the actual date of the marriage. Instead, the agreement should be prepared and ready to consider it within a reasonable time before the big day.

Example: Professor Klutz gives a paper to his future wife Felicia a few minutes before she wants to walk down the aisle. When she asks him what it is, he downplays the meaning of the document and simply says, ”It`s just a small agreement that I think would be useful to us in the future.” Given the timing, Felicia didn`t have time to thoroughly review the deal or, more importantly, ask a lawyer to review it. Felicia signs the agreement. Once the couple is married, Felicia finds time to read the agreement. Angry at the terms, she contacts a lawyer. The lawyer points out that the agreement would likely be considered invalid in the circumstances because it was signed under duress. About 2.3 million people get married each year. Of these marriages, more than half will end in divorce. While national divorce statistics show that the probability of marriage is greater than 50/50, it is not surprising that the use of prenuptial contracts (sometimes called ”marital” or ”marital”) is increasing. A marriage contract is concluded before and in return for the marriage. Typically, the agreement discloses each party`s assets and liabilities and determines what happens to those items in the event of death or when the parties divorce.

When people are engaged, their relationship is fiduciary in nature. Therefore, there is a positive obligation for each partner to disclose its assets and income. Otherwise, the agreement will become invalid. See e.B. Kosik v. George, 253 Gold. 15, 452 p.2d 560 (1969). Although it is quite common today, courts have ruled in the past that it is contrary to public policy to provide for a financial settlement in the event of future separation or divorce. The main reason was that such an agreement could weaken the marital relationship and promote adultery. Consideration: Something of value given by both parties to a contract that leads them to conclude the agreement on the exchange of mutual services.

There are several reasons to sign an antenuptial contract. If you or your potential partner have important assets and assets before the marriage and you agree to separate them from what you will own together, a back-up contract protects those assets just in case. Children from previous relationships or marriages and inheritances may be included in the contract. As with prenuptial agreements, States are free to dictate their own requirements of validity. For example, one of the requirements in Minnesota is that each spouse must own property worth at least $1.2 million before a postnuptial agreement is effective. See Minn. Stat. Ann. § 519.11.

Marriage contracts are only concluded if both parties marry. The agreement establishes the disposition of assets and liabilities in the event of divorce, separation or death of one of the parties. Although this is quite common today, especially if one party has significant assets or children from another marriage. Historically, this has not been the case. The courts have ruled that it is contrary to public policy to provide for a financial settlement in the event of future separation or divorce. The main reason was that such an agreement could weaken the marital relationship and promote adultery. Example: Before Tiffany and Mark get married, they sign an agreement whereby Tiffany will receive $75 a week in support from Mark in the event of divorce or separation. According to previous Decisions of the State, this marriage contract is null and void. The court ruled that the rule that such agreements are automatically void should be abolished.

Specifically, the court recognized that divorce was a common phenomenon and that there was no evidence that prenuptial agreements encouraged divorce. In addition, changes in society make restrictions on marriage contracts inappropriate. The maintenance agreement was valid, provided that there was full disclosure and that the conditions were not unscrupulous at the time of execution. See e.B Edwardson v. Edwardson, 798 P.W.2d 941 (Ky. 1990). Some people believe that they can sign a prenuptial agreement simply because they want to delegate certain tasks within the marriage (for example. B which part will do which tasks) or how often they will have sex for a week. Such agreements are unenforceable.

Example: Thomas had verbally promised that if Catherine changed his plans to go to New York for a job as a nurse and give her baby up for adoption, he would treat the unborn child ”as if it were his own.” Thomas even went so far as to include his name on the child`s birth certificate. In addition, Thomas kept his promise during their four-year marriage. However, when they separated, Thomas claimed that he no longer had a duty to provide for the child – because of the verbal promise. The court ruled in Catherine`s favor because she relied negatively on Thomas` promises. As such, he was prevented from increasing the status of fraud in order to thwart an oral marriage contract. See z.B. T v. T, 216 Va. 867, 224 P.E.2d 148 (1978).

Some states require that a marriage contract not only be written, but also be officially attested (like other documents such as a will). In summary, there are a number of fairly technical issues regarding back-up agreements and fairly formal signing requirements. .