Reseller Partner Agreement Template

This Reseller Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Atlassian with respect to the resale of Atlassian Products as described in this Reseller Agreement and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, suggestions and representations regarding the Products or other matters covered by this Reseller Agreement. If any provision of this Reseller Agreement is held to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. This Reseller Agreement may only be modified or supplemented as described in Section 11 (Amendments to the Agreement) or otherwise with atlassian`s written consent (which may be withheld in its sole discretion without cause). As used in this document, ”including” (and its variants) means ”including, but not limited to” (and its variants). If any of the parties to this Reseller Agreement violates any provision of this Reseller Agreement with respect to Confidential Information or Intellectual Property Rights, there may not be reasonable remedies available solely by law; Therefore, the aggrieved party to this Reseller Agreement may seek an injunction, a specific performance or any other form of equitable remedy or pecuniary damages, or a combination thereof. No breach or delay by the aggrieved party to this Reseller Agreement in exercising any right, authority or privilege under this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver thereof, and no single or partial exercise of this Agreement shall preclude any further exercise or exercise of this Agreement or the exercise of any right, authority or privilege under the law or equity. The parties are independent contractors. Nothing in this Reseller Agreement shall be construed as constituting either party as a partner of the other party or creating any other form of legal association that would give the party the right, authority or authority, express or implied, to create an obligation or obligation of the other party. Are you looking forward to sending a proposal for office cleaning services? This template will specifically meet your goal and should feature your best features for a captivating impression on your potential customers. This Reseller Agreement is a separate agreement from atlassian`s agreement with its end users on (atlassian may change from time to time, the ”Atlassian Customer Agreement”). However, for ease of use and consistency, the definitions of certain terms relating to our products and services (i.e., software, hosted services, products, and authorized users) are the same as in the Atlassian Customer Agreement.

Selling a property requires a lot of documentation. Save time by using this pdf real estate sales contract, which includes all the legal requirements in a contract. Surround the users of your website or mobile app with enough experience, but limit the practice. Try this template terms and conditions. The products are commercial computer software. If the user or licensee of the Products is an agency, department, or other legal entity of the United States Government, the use, reproduction, reproduction, publication, modification, disclosure, or transmission of the Software or any related documentation of any kind, including technical data and manuals, is prohibited by a license agreement or the terms of this Reseller Agreement under the Federal Acquisition Regulation. 12.212 for civilian purposes and the Federal Defence Procurement Regulations. Supplement 227.7202 for military purposes.

The products were entirely developed at private expense. Any other use is prohibited. This Atlassian Reseller Agreement (the ”Reseller Agreement”) is between the respective Reseller (”You” or the ”Reseller”) and Atlassian Pty Ltd (ABN #53 102 443 916). If you accept this Reseller Agreement not as an individual, but on behalf of your business, ”Reseller” or ”you” means your business, and you link your business to this Reseller Agreement. Insofar as we provide products for resale, you can order these products for resale by following the instructions on our website (currently under You must provide all requested information, including, but not limited to, the identity of the End User, the End User`s business and email addresses, as well as specific software licenses, subscriptions to hosted services or other products to be resold in your order (”Reseller Order”). All such information must be accurate and complete and reflect the bona fide orders you have received from end users. The transfer of intellectual property becomes easy and highly reliable thanks to our carefully designed intellectual property assignment agreement templates. Check it out to learn more.

An event management company requires the most creative design and services need to be clearly defined. Here`s an example of an event proposal to introduce your clients to the most creative design patterns Do you want to start a limited liability company business? Read our LLP Agreement to understand the terms of the Partnership Subject to this Reseller Agreement, you may identify yourself as an Atlassian ”Reseller” only in connection with your resale of Products. You may not use any Atlassian trademarks, logos, or service marks (”Atlassian Marks”) except as permitted by Atlassian`s Trademark Guidelines under Any goodwill arising from your use of Atlassian`s trademarks will benefit Atlassian. Only the end user customer of the Products (and its authorized users) may use the Products. You may not use the products resold under this Reseller Agreement for your own benefit. If you still have access to the Products, all license restrictions in the Atlassian Customer Agreement apply to you. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Reseller Agreement, except for the limited resale right provided in Section 2 above, atlassian and its suppliers have all right, title and interest (including, but not limited to, all patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights) in all products, specifications, documentation and underlying technologies (”Atlassian Technology”), and all intellectual property rights. Copies, modifications and derivative works thereof, including but not limited to comments. You acknowledge that you will have only a limited right to resell the Products and that no ownership rights will pass to you regardless of the use of the words ”purchase”, ”sale” or similar terms under this Reseller Agreement or otherwise.

Make sure you don`t forget to consider the appropriate quotes for your gardening using this gardening offer. 10.1. Termination. We may terminate this Reseller Agreement if you materially breach any provision of this Reseller Agreement and fail to remedy such breach within five (5) days of written notice of such breach. In addition, either party may terminate this Reseller Agreement for any reason or no reason with thirty (30) days` written notice to the other party. Atlassian may also terminate this Reseller Agreement immediately upon notifying you if (a) atlassian ceases to offer the current Reseller Program or (b) atlassian has reason to believe that maintaining this Agreement may result in commercial or legal liability for Atlassian or harm Atlassian or its end users. If you are looking for a complete offer that consists of all the necessary content, then this inbound marketing proposal will certainly be of great help. 5.4.

Price and payment for the end user; Refunds. You independently set your own prices for each end user. You bear the entire risk of non-payment by End Users and are solely responsible for all your costs and expenses. You do not have the right to cancel a reseller order or receive refunds due to non-payment by an end user. If Atlassian provides a refund to an End User in accordance with our Standard Return Policy, Atlassian will, in its sole discretion, refund the relevant amounts either directly to the End User or to you for distribution to the End User. You agree to cooperate with Atlassian in connection with any such refund. 14.2. Limitation of Liability. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE TOTAL LIABILITY OF ATLASSIAN AND ITS THIRD PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS UNDER THIS RESELLER AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNTS ACTUALLY PAID BY RESELLER TO ATLASSIAN IN RESPECT OF THE RESELLER ORDER THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS RESELLER AGREEMENT. Subject to this Reseller Agreement, we grant you a unique, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to resell the Products specified in your Reseller Order to the End User specified in the Reseller Order only for use by that End User in accordance with the Atlassian Customer Agreement.

This resale right does not apply to other end users or products (including, but not limited to, sale to related parties, organizations or affiliates or subsequent, additional or renewal-related sales to the same party). 15.3. Right to injunctive; Application. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 15, nothing in this Reseller Agreement shall prevent either party from seeking an injunction with respect to any infringement of intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations, or the enforcement or recognition of any award or order in an appropriate jurisdiction. 5.2. Delivery. Upon receipt of payment, we will provide the appropriate software license key, hosted service credentials, or other information necessary for end users to use or access the relevant products directly to the delivery contact specified in the merchant`s order in accordance with our standard delivery procedures….