Schengen Stay Rules

It is very interesting. In fact, I`m planning a trip from Mauritius to Europe in June and I was wondering if I would move, if I needed more paperwork or not, well, you just answered my question. I`ll see which country I`m going to plan my visit to! I hope this time I don`t have to worry about staying more than 90 days, but I`ll see it for next time! Just find the right mix for it, save money, plan it well, and you can certainly manage to stay in Europe for a very long time. Fabulous and well researched, detailed after Matt. A very interesting read for me as a Brit who spends countless hours exploring the possibilities of staying in the US for over 90 days! I have found over the years that customs officers can vary greatly in their approach, the application of the rules and, indeed, in their overall friendliness. If you do not leave before the age of 90 days, you will be fined or deported – in the worst case, you will be banned from the Schengen area for a certain period of time (1-3 years) or indefinitely. It is sometimes considered ”ok” to stay a few more days and even up to a week, but I advise you not to try to push your luck, especially if you have a visa. And if you stay more than a week, you should know that you will have big problems. Amazing article! Obviously a little late at the party, but there is a Portuguese D7 visa which is basically a passive income visa that allows you to stay in Portugal for 1 year, provided you can prove that you have a monthly income of €1000 (not sure). Real estate income / rent, dividends, shares, everything that works. You can extend the visa to 2 years at the end of the 1st year and then to 2 years more. The best part is that you can travel to Schengen areas without a visa. After 5 years you can apply for a Portuguese passport.

This allows you to live and work anywhere in Europe. It`s pretty simple and fast. The information on the exceeding of the stay is inaccurate. Because of the refugee crisis, just about every country is now cracking down on it. I was overloaded with 2 days last year, and when I left via Madrid, I received a reprimand from the officer. They also noticed this when they returned this year. These can allow you to stay more days either throughout the Schengen area (very rare case) or only in the country you are in (which you have chosen, which is your place of entry or the place where you have stayed the longest – this is on a case-by-case basis, but this usually happens when you get an extension: You can only stay in the country for which you applied). I call this the ”waiting game.” If you are able to obtain a long-term visa that allows you to stay in a Schengen Member State for 5 to 10 years, your citizenship is supposed to be secure. On the other hand, if you can look at your family tree and determine that you have ancestors who are citizens or who have become residents of EU countries in the past, your waiting years can be shortened! Examples of this: There are actually several countries in Europe that have chosen to abolish tuition fees for potential local and international students, and they are listed below (along with other countries that have the cheapest tuition fees).

So if you`re looking for ways to stay longer in Europe, you`ll find your best options below! No, you are wrong. .