Significa Essere Formosa

They want to live the dream of being able to choose their dress from many dresses; They want to have the experience of being able to wear wedding dresses, they want to get naked in the dressing room, and they don`t want to feel judged or ridiculed; They want to be able to live the experience without having to feel guilty because they are not ”beautiful as fashion wants”. To be bent, on the other hand, means to be happy with the way you are, to be bent means to feel good, to love your curves, your physicality. Accept yourself for who you are and improve yourself through fashion and makeup. To be bent means to be feminine, just like a woman who, on the other hand, has a slim and slender figure. It doesn`t matter if this bent woman likes to live life and enjoy her pleasures; There are therefore no brands dedicated to FORMOSA BRIDE, as if a bent woman did not have the right to live the emotions of her marriage. For no one, because unfortunately we do not all have the common sense to understand that there is a content in addition to the container, and that being bent does not mean living in solitude and being discriminated against by everyone, not even by fashion; However, there is a presumption on the part of some women to be better, to be right because they fall into the canon, and so there is the prejudice that this woman, like FORMOSA, cannot be dressed with taste or class because fat is not beautiful: curvy literally means ”curvy”, so no matter what size you wear, a bent woman has a sinuous, soft and rich physique. Even a woman with a height of 42 or 44 can be curved if her bone structure produces ”roundness” and this does not mean that the word curved should be associated with the words ”fat” or ”chubby”. The word curved clarifies once and for all the negativity that often, and I would like to add unfortunately, refers to those silhouettes that differ considerably from the feminine physicality that television, fashion shows and glossy magazines offer us every day. So, in my opinion, curvigity is more of a state of mind than a physical state; It doesn`t matter if this bent woman had problems that led her to be ROUND; What is the meaning of curvy? Very often we tend to misinterpret the term curvy, in fact we assign to this adjective a category of women that corresponds to those who tend to be overweight or who wear from size 46. In reality, the term means something else, but let`s start at the beginning. It doesn`t matter if, this bent woman, you like it.

Yes, because curvy and curvy are two completely different women and now I explain why: Today, unlike a few years ago, clothes for CURVY have arrived in the fashion industry; In fact, as of July 2018, there was no custom wedding dress brand for curved dresses, but there are a few stores in Italy that resell curved wedding dresses from abroad. Many people ask me why in July 2018 I decided to call my brand SPOSA FORMOSA and not Curvy. For the first time in twenty years, the most curved women can feel reassured by this word, which no longer has a negative connotation, but recalls the flexibility of the goddess Aphrodite, who with her rich hips was nothing less than the goddess of beauty. Ð1/2ÐμÐ1/4 кÑÑпÐ1/2DμйÑÐμÐ1/4 в Ð1/4Ð ̧ÑÐμ Ð1/4Ðμ гаа з ̧Ð1/2Ðμ п¿¿Й̧̧KKĶÐ3/4ÑÐ3/4ÑÐμ Ð1/4ÑÐμ Ð1/4Ð3/4Ð3/4ÑÑÐμ Ð1/4Ð3/4Ð3/4жÐ1/2Ð3/4 ÑÐ ̧ÑаÑÑÑÑ Ð² бÑаÑз · ÐμÑÐμ, Ð1/2а пДÐ1/2ÑÐμÑÐ1/2Ð3/4Ð1/4ÐÐ, ÐμлÐμÐ3/4Ð1/2Ðμ Ð ̧лл̧ ÑпÐμÑÐ ̧алÑÐ1/2Ð3/4Ð1/4 4 ÑÑÑÐ3/4йÑвÐμ. FORMOSA, c`est toi, une femme courbée, mais on parle encore peu d`elle; Allan et Barbara Pease, mari et femme, sont deux psychothérapeutes australiens experts en communication et en langage corporel. Son premier livre, Why© Women Can`t Read Cards and Men Never Stop Asking?, a connu des succès internationaux extraordinaires, qui ont été confirmés par les suivants. After the top models of the nineties, fashion has done nothing but offer us skeleton women parading on the catwalk as if they were real hangers, and so much has been done to combat this absurd designer mania that has definitely made curved fashion a bang in recent years. . Unfortunately, it must also be admitted that it is not yet very appreciated by designers of great international renown, because they do not seem to like curvy; Unless by CURVY we mean women who are no less than 1.80 tall and who are in any case proportional and in certain objectives: that is to say, from 46 to 52 years old so poor. In short, or thin or curved, but still a TOP MODEL And so far no problem, in fact, those who know me know how beautiful WOMEN are always to me, of any shape or size; ÐÐμÑ ÑлÐμкÑÑÐ3/4Ð1/2Ð1/2Ð3/4й вÐμññð ̧Ð ̧ Who can compare these women? To whom can they tell their repressed secrets? To whom can they say that they had an illness and made a very strong healing that devastated them internally, but also externally? Who can they talk to about their eating disorder problems? Who can they confide in and ask for advice or advice? However, the problem arises when you can not enter this group at all because they have exceeded a certain size and therefore are not even curved anymore. That is, those who have measurements outside certain standards are part of a category called CURVY and announce that the ”CURVY IS BEAUTIFUL” is.

They are round, chubby women who don`t have a clearly defined waist, but want to feel like women with a D-star, not B-SERIES WOMEN; Yes, because women, with an abundance of breasts, buttocks and hips, that is, alternatives to the beauty prototypes imposed by fashion, decided to form a group, to become a collective identity, with the aim of changing the dogmas of fashion; My wives are women who do not fall into the beauty canon of great fashion designers; That`s why I called my company SPOSA FORMOSA and not Curvy; In addition, CURVY has become a cultural and social ”movement”; And this is where deception is born: often this word is used for women who really have obesity problems in order to improve a physicality that has very little health, just like skeletal models who suffer from hunger to be able to parade for a prestigious luxury brand. .