Subject Verb Agreement Class 10

Subject-verb correspondence means that the number and person of the subject must match the verb in a particular sentence. This correspondence of the subject and the verb is called Concorde. There are certain rules for this agreement. (xxi) A singular verb is used when a plural noun designates a certain set or quantity. z.B. a) Fifty rupees is too much for this bag. b) Two-thirds of the city is in ruins. vii) Everyone, someone, nobody, anyone and everyone takes a singular verb. e.B.

no one is perfect in this world. 10. Plural nouns: The title of a book, the name of a house or hotel in the plural assumes a singular verb: vi) Words such as public, community, crowd, group and family assume a singular or plural verb depending on the sentence, but it is always prudent to use a plural verb with these nouns. e.B. the family is our strongest support. He/ She/ Common Nouns/ Proper Nouns + verb (base form) with s/es at the end + object (optional) ”None” takes a singular verb if it refers to the singular, and a plural verb if its speaker is plural. Choose the right verb form from the given options: A subject can be: singular – a book, an egg, a key plural – women, boys, countless flowers – sugar, water, air 18. A singular verb is used with singular pronouns, e.B.

any, either, neither, person, etc. This grammar section explains English grammar in a clear and simple way. There are examples of sentences that show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English will help you write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the solutions are solved by experts. 17. If a singular subject is replaced by as well as in addition to, except, etc. is associated with another noun or pronoun, we use a singular verb. Oil and gas are a popular heating choice. Peanut butter combined with bread and jelly is a delicious snack.

(Here, peanut butter, bread and jelly are a unit, a sandwich, so no comma is needed and we keep the singular verb.) A subject that consists of nouns connected by a plural subject and assuming a plural subject, unless the intended meaning of that subject is singular. The twelfth rule states that nouns such as amends, archives, compasses, glasses, trousers are always considered plural and that the added verb is also plural. But when used with ”a pair of”, they are considered singular. Then the attached verbal form also becomes singular. Question 8. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form: (a) The majority of applicants ….. Daughter. b) Neither of these two boys ………….. well rated. c) A pair of shoes …………………..

were stolen. d) The quality of these apples ………….. Not good. e) A black and white cow …………….. Outdoor grazing. f) A black cow and a white cow ……….. Outdoor grazing. Answer: (a) are (b) a (c) hat (d) is (e) is (f) The expression ”more than one” takes a singular verb. 1. Number The basic principle of subject-verb correspondence is that singular subjects require singular verbs. Plural subjects need plural verbs: xiv) Two nouns that are qualified by each and every one, although they are connected by ”and”, require a verb in the singular.

(z.B. (a) Every boy and girl has been vaccinated. b) Each of the hens was sick. ix) If the subjects are related by ”or”, ”again”, ”either”, ”neither”, the verb corresponds to the subject closest to it. e.B. a) Neither he nor his sister were there. b) He or his friends are to blame. 13. Collective nouns such as group, ensemble, herd, regiment, etc.

are usually followed by a singular verb: xii) If the words are related to a singular subject by ”with”, a singular verb is used. e.B. the Prime Minister should be present with his Cabinet colleagues. Question 5. Mohan and Shyam (a) ……………….. my best friends. You (b) always (b) …………………….. me in my work. None of them (c) …..

Football. I (d) …….. never (e) ….. they are wasting their time. Neither Mohan nor Shyam (f) ………….. lazy. Each of them (g) ….. very active.

All the students in my class (h) ………….. they. Answer: (a) are (b) help (c) games (d) have seen (e) is (f) is (h) as for money, if the amount is specific, use a singular verb; If the amount is vague, use a plural verb. 6. Long subject: If a clause or a long group of words is the subject, we must make sure that the verb corresponds to the subject: if a subject consists of nouns that are connected by or connected, the verb corresponds to the last noun. (viii) Nouns linked by ”and” imply a plural verb. (e.B. Sita and Gita drive to Mumbai. 14. ”Class” names such as food, furniture, clothing, etc.
