What Is a Technical Support Agreement

Focus support on the most critical areas, such as backup and servers, to protect your business operations and security. Most support providers want you to follow a specific procedure to ask for help, so make sure it meets your preferences and requirements. The contract specifies who can make a request, what form the request must take and when it can be made. All SaaS cloud services you subscribe to are managed through their own contract and SLAs. As with other software, it is unlikely that your IT support provider will include support as part of an IT support contract. To effectively manage and support their IT services, organizations often rely on third-party vendors to provide the expertise, information, and people needed to manage their IT infrastructure. If you want to switch IT support providers or appoint one for the first time, you need to make sure that your IT support contract covers your essential needs to ensure that your IT continues to run at the optimal level. This Agreement contains the terms and conditions that apply to your purchase from Safe Video Communication AS. (”SVC”) provided to you (”Customer”) when you order SVC Technical Support Agreements (”Support Agreements”). By accepting the SVC services and support described on the invoice or order confirmation, the customer agrees to be bound and accept these terms and conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by this Agreement, you must immediately notify SVC and return your purchase in accordance with SVC`s return policy below. THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY (i) UNLESS THE CUSTOMER HAS ENTERED INTO A SEPARATE PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH SVC, IN WHICH CASE THE SEPARATE CONTRACT SHALL PREVAIL; OR (ii) UNLESS OTHER STANDARD SVC TERMS APPLY TO THE TRANSACTION. These terms and conditions may be modified at any time at SVC`s sole discretion without prior written notice.

SVC may change this policy at any time at SVC`s sole discretion without prior written notice. An up-to-date return policy can be found on the SVC website. Customer may terminate this Agreement within 30 days of receipt. Any refunds will be determined by SVC based on the timing and/or number of assistance cases at SVC`s discretion. Customer shall contact SVC Customer Service for the processing of returns and may not terminate this Agreement after thirty (30) days of receipt, except as provided by applicable provincial or federal law which cannot be amended by agreement. Pay-as-you-go support is a good option for those who want to expand existing in-house support. It also works as a good replacement if IT support staff is temporarily unavailable. These General Terms and Conditions may not be modified, supplemented or supplemented by the use of other documents, unless otherwise stated. Any attempt to modify, supplement or supplement this document or to place an order for products or services and support subject to additional or modified terms and conditions will be null and void, unless otherwise agreed in a written agreement signed by Customer and SVC.

End-user devices, such as PCs, laptops, mobile devices, are rarely covered by an IT support contract for two reasons: Nowadays, instead of offering hourly support, many companies work with ”managed services,” where they bundle services and provide them monthly for a fixed fee. IT support providers can offer their support in stages such as the first, second, third. First-line media typically includes a reboot response. The second step takes you to someone who knows better, while the third step is where the experts are. Many companies adapt this model and mix support levels based on their resources and ideologies. Level 1 and Level 2 roles are performed by the same people in specific organizations. For example, other companies may combine Level 2 and Level 3 features. Be careful when renting the entire system from the support provider. There`s a chance you`ll be stuck with outdated hardware that`s hard to replace.

Here`s what you can do to make the process easier: IMPORTANT: THIS TECHNICAL SUPPORT AGREEMENT IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU (EITHER AN INDIVIDUAL OR, IF PURCHASED OR OTHERWISE ACQUIRED BY OR FOR A COMPANY, A LEGAL ENTITY) AND CPANEL. READ IT CAREFULLY. IT CONTAINS, AMONG OTHER THINGS, NOTICES OF TERMINATION AND WARRANTY AS WELL AS EXCLUSIONS OF LIABILITY. BY CLICKING THE ”I AGREE” BUTTON AND USING THE SERVICES, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS TECHNICAL SUPPORT AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS, YOU MAY NOT USE THE SERVICES. 1. Definitions. 1.1 ”Agreement” means this Technical Support Agreement. 1.2 ”Governing Law” means any applicable international, federal, state or local laws, statutes, statutes, ordinances, regulations or court orders. 1.3 ”Beta Version” means any version of the Software released for testing by cPanel as determined by cPanel in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to, versions of the Software designated by cPanel as ”BETA” or ”EDGE”. 1.4 ”Free Assistance” has the meaning specified in Section 2.6.2 (Eligibility to Submit Incidents).

1.5 ”cPanel” means cPanel, L.L.C. 1.6 ”cPanel Customer Portal” means cPanel`s customer service and incident tracking system or a successor system that may refer to cPanel from time to time and is currently available on tickets.cpanel.net or any other URL that cPanel means from time to time. 1.7 ”cPanel Direct Licensee” means a natural or legal person who is not a cPanel Partner or cPanel Reseller and who has obtained one or more licenses for the Software directly from cPanel. 1.8 ”cPanel Distributor” means a cPanel Partner who has met the requirements set by cPanel to become a cPanel Distributor. 1.9 ”cPanel Partner” means a cPanel Partner who has entered into a valid and existing Partner NOC Agreement with cPanel. 1.10 ”Effective Date” has the meaning specified in the Support Pricing Agreement. 1.11 ”Business Support” has the meaning specified in Section 2.6.2 (Eligibility to Submit Incidents). 1.12 ”EULA” means the End User License Agreement applicable to the Software, including but not limited to the Enkompass cPanel EULA or the cPanel/WHM EULA. 1.13 ”Incident” means a request for assistance from you to resolve a single technical issue related to the Software. cPanel makes the final decision on what constitutes an ”incident” in its sole discretion. 1.14 ”Intellectual Property Rights” means trade secret rights, know-how rights, moral rights, copyrights, patents, trademarks (and related goodwill) and similar rights of any kind under applicable law, including all applications and registrations of the foregoing. 1.15 ”Licensed Server” or ”Licensed Server” has the meaning specified in the EULA.

1.16 ”Normal Business Hours” means (a) twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week in the event of technical support incidents; and (b) 7:00 A.m. . . .