Communications Security Establishment Canada Collective Agreement

”The threat of foreign government interference continues to grow, and Canada needs a strong and unified communications security facility to fend off cyber attacks,” said Alex Silas, PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President for the National Capital Region. ”Refusing to fairly compensate employees sends the wrong message as the government seeks to recruit the best talent to protect our national security.” Looking to the future, we build an internal team to ensure the effective implementation of our collective agreement (after negotiation and signature). This team ensures that salary changes are implemented within a reasonable period of time. CSE will continue to share best practices with other government departments by participating in the Interdepartmental Committee on Direct Entry Compensation and the Interdepartmental Committee on the Security Intelligence Community. In addition, CSE will work closely with other direct entry services to hire and train additional compensation consultants to accommodate the increased workload. PSAC members at CSE work in a variety of fields such as cryptography, applied mathematics, advanced speech analytics, and cybersecurity. They are doing important work, including reviewing new commercial 5G communication technologies, protecting against attempts by foreign governments to disrupt COVID-19 vaccine research, and ensuring the security of government computer systems that store sensitive personal information about Canadians. The advanced concession would have an impact on members` market allocations, which are negotiated to close wage gaps with workers doing similar work in the same industry. The proposed changes would have a significant impact on workers` total wages in this collective agreement and in the future. CSE management continues to insist on a concession that would break the agreement and result in a significant financial loss for foreign cyber security and signals intelligence personnel. PSAC members strive for a fair collective agreement that recognizes the importance of their work. Employees of other public service departments who opt for leave with an average income must require at least five weeks.

In short, the public sector pension plan provides predictable income for life. At CSE, you have access to a variety of paid and unpaid vacation options. CSE students` salaries are determined according to the following grids. A typical work week is 37.5 hours, which is a defined contribution defined benefit plan where employees receive a pension in retirement. Mr. Michael Wernick Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet Ottawa ON K1A 0A3. You can take paid leave for a variety of reasons, including: Once you are entitled to a pension for at least two years, your dependent survivor is entitled to a survivor benefit and your eligible children are entitled to a dependent child allowance. Eligible CSE employees who are completely disabled and unable to work have access to long-term disability benefits under the disability insurance plan. The monthly taxable benefit is 70% of your monthly salary. Employees who come to the SSE from outside the National Capital Region are entitled to reimbursement of their relocation costs.

For example, CSE pays for the cost of finding and moving your home. ”We are ready and willing to reach an agreement with CSE management and avoid a strike,” Silas added. ”But the agency must resume negotiations that are ready to respect the results of the Public Interest Commission and withdraw its concessions from the table.” In addition, the supplementary death benefit is paid as a lump sum to the beneficiary you designate or to your estate. For students coming to CSE from outside the National Capital Region, we will reimburse you for certain relocation costs at the beginning and end of your semester of work. As a CSE employee employed at uni-01 to UNI-06 or UNMA-04 to UNMA-06 positions, you will receive a gradual increase from the next level of your salary range each year to the maximum of your salary range. 89% of employees feel they have support at work to balance work and private life. Nevertheless, due to the complexity of Phoenix`s salary system, there is a backlog of salary transactions and pension adjustments. Our compensation advisors continue to work closely with Public Services and Procurement Canada to clear the backlog.

As a direct-entry organization, CSE`s compensation advisors use the Phoenix system to manage the compensation of our employees. Thanks to the extremely hard work, patience and dedication of our well-trained and experienced compensation advisors who oversee each file, CSE has been largely successful in ensuring that employees – with very few exceptions – receive their correct base salary on time. CSE`s relationship with its employees is governed by the collective agreement between CSE and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). Visit the PSAC website for more information. Addressing phoenix payment system issues was and remains a high priority for The Telecommunications Security Establishment (CSE). Our recruiters, management and employees across the company have dedicated their time, energy and resources to solving these problems. CSE employees are covered by the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP). The pension calculator can help you show you what your retirement will be worth at retirement age. PSAC members at CSE have been negotiating since February 2019 and participated in Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings after the talks ended last year.

In its final report, the PIC supported the union`s position on wage increases. CSE offers a competitive salary structure and generous benefits that make CSE a very attractive place to work. When we post job postings, we note a salary range on each job posting. All of our non-executive positions, which include everything from office workers to team managers, are classified according to a Unison (UNI) or Unison Market Allowance (UNMA) level, which is unique to the CSE. There are 11 levels in our UNI categories, from UNI-01 to UNI-11, and eight levels in our UNMA categories, from UNMA-04 to UNMA-11. Positions paid according to the UNMA salary range are those where the main tasks of the position require the performance of IT administration and/or engineering functions. All other positions are remunerated according to the UNI fare class. You can also choose to take a vacation with an average income. At the CSE, this allows you to take three to twelve weeks of leave without additional pay, with payroll deductions being spread over your paycheques for the year. We continue to take the necessary steps to address outstanding compensation issues, including: CSE employees are employees of the federal public service and participate in the Public Service Pension Plan.

This plan is designed to cover specific dental services and supplies that are not covered by your provincial or territorial health or dental plan. Leave without pay is also available at the discretion of your supervisor for other reasons, including religious customs. We offer several options to help employees balance their lives: some positions require candidates to speak both official languages: French and English. Others do not. All language requirements are listed in the specific job postings on our website. If necessary, CSE will organize your second-language assessment. Find out about the language level and tests in the public sector. The approximately 2,400 members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) are doing important work to protect Canada from foreign cyberattacks, including the recent attempt to hack Canadian COVID-19 vaccine research.
