Legal Advice for Settlement Agreements

For advice on your settlement agreement, please contact our labour lawyers on 0808 252 5231. Not only can we advise you on conditions that are fair and reasonable, but we can also help you achieve the best possible result. Our labour lawyers are specialists in their field. If you are an employee who needs legal assistance under a settlement agreement with an employer, we can help. We work hard to ensure that your best interests are paramount. Our experience in handling settlement agreements for clients and our hands-on, down-to-earth approach to legal advice will help you make the right decisions. A settlement agreement may include a promise from your employer to provide potential employers with a reference about you. The wording and form of the reference can also be agreed with the settlement agreement – sometimes as an annex to the agreement itself. For example, you may have told your colleagues about your negotiations before you saw the confidentiality clause and realized that you should keep the existence of the agreement confidential. If you sign a clause that you have already violated (or if you violate the clause after signing) and your employer becomes aware of it, they may argue that they no longer need to comply with their part of the agreement. They may refuse to pay the settlement payment or even try to get back the money they have already paid you. Most of the time, it will be a qualified lawyer, but it can also be a union representative or a consultant who has the authority to advise on settlement agreements.

If you need help resolving a work claim or have questions about settlement agreements, contact a Jackson Lewis attorney to discuss it. Your employer just mentioned the words ”settlement agreement.” What does that mean? How will this affect you? What do you need to know? Don`t worry; Then you`ve come to the right place. We hope to give you all the information you need about settlement agreements by answering the questions we are asked most often. You and your employer can propose a settlement agreement. The settlement agreement is a legal contract between you and your employer – you both have to abide by it. Your employer probably wants you to keep the agreement confidential. Make sure you have all relevant documents and appointments on hand when you seek advice. This may include your employment contract, the date of the dispute, and copies of emails on how to resolve the dispute. The advice they give you is limited to the terms of the agreement – for example, that you understand what you agree with.

They will not advise you on whether this is a good deal or whether you could have achieved a better result by going to court. For the Agreement to be valid, you must have received ”independent” legal advice on the terms of the Agreement. These include claims for unpaid wages (including overtime), claims for unpaid expenses, bonuses, and possible compensation for any legal claims that the employee is entitled to pursue. Another important tip is to make sure you have the right lawyers to act for you. If you don`t trust your lawyer`s abilities, always remember that you have the right to change lawyers if you wish. At Truth Legal, we have extensive experience in successfully negotiating settlement agreements. In general, however, when you sign a settlement agreement, you should assume that it will draw a line under everything that has happened between you and your employer and that you will not be able to make any claim against them. It is important that the agreement reached is fair.

Each case is different; One person may be looking for money, while another person needs a good referral or even reinstatement to their job after they are fired. Most settlement agreements lead to a ”clean break” – where you separate from your employer – but sometimes the employment relationship continues afterwards. Here are some examples: According to Acas guidelines, employees should have a reasonable amount of time to review the proposed Regulations. What is appropriate depends on the circumstances, but you should generally have at least 10 calendar days to review the agreement. .