Legislative Provision Definition Law

In his view, Rio Tinto has not addressed this provision of comprehensive sanctions against Iran. Solutions include improving access to technology for students, leveraging low-tech community efforts, tutoring, and special arrangements for younger learners. Examples – Provisions consisting of sentences Assembly Bill 3216 also contains provisions that allow laid-off workers to return to work, even if an employer or business changes ownership. Thus, for a task of identifying all the ”provisions” applicable to a case, the useful meaning would be all the sections of the document that are relevant to the case. When he had a supply of provisions on hand, he always pursued the goats as usual, but only for his personal satisfaction. Of course, Mr. Blanchard his son and his son`s widow in the eyes when he met the care. Confusion about apparent vagueness, because the definition appears to apply to conflicting conditions, may stem from the overly precise search for an exact literal legal definition. The explanation for the dichotomy might be more obvious if one takes a step back and considers a more general definition. Domestic violence advocacy groups rejected the provision, saying it would discourage victims from coming forward. ”Provision for assigned revenue” means an administrative or legislative measure by which revenue from a tax, fee, contribution or other source is allocated to an account of the Special Fund for State Revenue as described in 17-2-102 or to a local government. Tax evasion is punishable by up to five years, so it is likely that Grimm would fall under the provision.

For example, an anti-greenmail provision is a type of contractual provision contained in the bylaws of some companies that prevents the board of directors from paying a premium to a business thief for abandoning a hostile takeover bid. If an obligation includes a flexible call clause, the procedure comes into force after the expiry of the provision period for fixed calls. Flexible call protection is usually a premium to the face value that the issuer pays to recover the bond before maturity. For example, after reaching the call date, the issuer could pay a 3% premium to recover the bonds for the following year, a 2% premium for the following year, and a 1% premium to recover the bonds more than two years after the expiry of the firm call. The following is an example of a state law (Montana) that defines a specific provision: This would make the disposition for the Levite the same as for the five men of the tribes. If there are provisions for changes in your digital marketing strategy, you can adapt to any situation. The meaning of ”deployment” in this case is somewhat determined by the context. If it was a question on a law school exam, you would want the exact legal definition. In a real-world context, by asking you to identify all the regulations that apply to a particular case, the meaning may be broader (or better assumed). It`s both.

The definition you found could be changed to In credit documents, a provision for loan losses is a type of contractual provision that describes an expense set aside to allow unrecovered loans or loan payments. This provision is used to cover a number of factors related to potential credit losses. For example, the National Security Agency`s (NSA) power to collect phone metadata en masse under the USA PATRIOT Act expired at midnight on June 1, 2015. All investigations that began before the expiry date were completed. Many expired parts of the Patriot Act have been extended with the USA Freedom Act until 2019. However, the provision allowing government agencies to collect massive telephone data has been replaced by a new provision requiring that such data be retained by telephone service providers. Note the need for fireplaces, windows and screened doors, and food storage arrangements. This provision provides first-time offenders with what is known as pre-trial intervention. This practice of sunset has its parallel in business. For example, a sunset provision in an insurance policy limits a claimant`s time to file a claim for a covered risk. If the claimant does not act within the time limit, the right to assert the claim expires.

In view of the reduction in the voting rights of employees` and investors` shares, it is possible that these voting provisions could have a negative impact on the final price of these shares. It would strengthen data protection rules, provide for tougher penalties and possibly create a new law enforcement agency. A contractual provision is a provision contained in a contract, legal document or law. A contractual provision often requires action until a certain date or within a certain period of time. Contractual provisions are intended to protect the interests of one or both parties in a contract. Note 2 The written law of the Territory consists mainly of laws known as laws promulgated by the Legislative Assembly. It also contains regulations, judicial regulations and other legal instruments published within the framework of specific powers established by law. (Written laws enacted under a statute are commonly referred to as ”subordinate” or ”delegated” laws.) In a legal document, a provision is usually a dedicated section that describes or specifies an action or condition. It may contain words like ”should” or ”should not” (although this is not a requirement). But here`s the catch. Relevant information is not always fully contained in the sentences of the ”provision”.

For example, there may be an introductory section that describes the different players. It may or may not be a factual provision according to a legal definition, but it could define whether a provision is applicable to a particular party. Contractual provisions can be found in the laws of a country, in credit documents and in contractual agreements. They can also be found in the fine print that accompanies purchases from certain stocks. One of the most well-known applications of a contractual provision is the determination of the appeal of an obligation. The determination of the appeal of an obligation refers to a specific date; after that date, the Company may recall and withdraw the Obligation. The bond investor can hand it over to pay the nominal amount (or the nominal amount plus a premium). A provision is included in the document.

”Providing” is defined as the development of plans to deal with a possible event in the future, or in a formal context such as a law or agreement to ensure that something happens or exists. .