Standard House Selling Contract

The first article, ”I. The Contracting Parties shall make the declaration initiating this Agreement. The wording is designed to determine the intent of both parties, so it needs certain situation-specific information that can be recorded. Start by specifying the month, two-digit calendar day, and two-digit calendar year when these documents take effect by using the first two empty lines of the first statement. We will now turn our attention to the different parties who enter into this agreement: the seller and the buyer. The second statement contains four spaces that must be used to identify the buyer. Specify the display name of the entity that wants to acquire the seller`s property in the empty field associated with the Buyer Parentheses label. The following three empty fields have been inserted so that we can record the postal address of, the city of and the status of the reported buyer. The seller must also be defined in this part of the agreement. Be sure to enter the owner`s full name in the empty field labeled ”Seller.” Again, we need to provide additional information. Use the following three fields to enter the mailing address, city, and state of the business that sells the residential property in question. In the next article ”II.

Legal description”, we will focus on the residential property that is sold to the buyer. First of all, we need to define what type of property it is. For this purpose, a list of checkbox items has been inserted. Select the check box that best defines the property for sale. You can check the box ”Detached house”, ”Condominium”, ”Development of planned units (PUD)”, ”Duplex”, ”Triplex”, ”Fourplex” or ”Other”. Note that if you select the Other field as the description for this property, you must specify the definition in the blank row associated with this selection. The next section of this article should provide a space titled ”Street and House Number.” Specify the exact physical location of the residential property in question for this line. This should include the building number of the accommodation, street/street/road/etc. Name, if applicable unit number, neighborhood/city/county, state and zip code where the property in question can be physically viewed and accessed. We will continue this report by specifying its ”Information on Tax Parcels” in the next available empty line.

This information can be called ”Parcel ID” or ”Tax Card and Lot Number” depending on the county in which it is located. If this information is not available, contact the Registrar/Registrar of Records in the county where the property is located to obtain it. Any ”other description” associated with the premises for sale must be indicated up to the last empty line of this section. Article ”III. Personal Property” allows both parties to create any personal property (i.e. air conditioning) that will be included in the purchase of the official description of the property in the previous section. Enter any type of personal property that will be sold with the residential property in the empty lines of this section. Glenda Taylor is a full-time contractor and writer who specializes in construction writing. She also enjoys writing business and finance, food and drink, and pet items. His background includes marketing and a bachelor`s degree in journalism from the University of Kansas. Signing Closing Documents – Since you are selling your own home and do not have a listing agent to assist you with the submitted documentation, it is important that you take your time and read each form carefully. If there are any sections you are unsure of, ask the closing agent/trustee present (or the lawyer, if applicable) to clarify the information provided.

Once you have a complete understanding of all the documents distributed, you can sign the following documents in the designated areas to complete the process: in some cases, the buyer`s ability to meet the conditions listed here depends on the sale of a property he owns. This eventuality should be included in ”VI. Sale of another property”. If there is no such property or if the buyer`s performance is not contingent on such an event, select the check box statement ”Must not depend on the sale of another property”. If the buyer is counting on the sale of their property to complete this agreement, enable the ”Should depend on the sale of another property” check box statement and enter the buyer`s mailing address, city, and property status in the first three empty fields. .